Tom Callahan, Mark Allman, Michael Rabinovich.
On Modern DNS Behavior and Properties, ACM SIGCOMM
Computer Communication Review, 43(3), July 2013.
Tom Callahan.
Understanding Internet Naming: From the Modern DNS Ecosystem
to New Directions in Naming, Doctoral Dissertation, Case
Western Reserve University, March 2013.
Defense slides available
Mark Allman.
Comments on Bufferbloat, ACM SIGCOMM
Computer Communication Review, 43(1), January 2013.
Matthew Sargent, Brian Stack, Tom Dooner, Mark Allman.
A First Look at 1 Gbps Fiber-To-The-Home Traffic.
Technical Report 12-009, International Computer Science Institute,
August 2012.
Craig Shue, Andrew Kalafut, Mark Allman, Curtis Taylor.
On Building Inexpensive Network Capabilities, ACM SIGCOMM
Computer Communication Review, 42(2), April 2012.
Tom Callahan.
A Longitudinal Evaluation of HTTP,
Master's Thesis, Case Western Reserve University, April 2012.
Defense slides available