CS 294-105: Class Reports
If taking CS 294-105 for 2 units, in addition to completing homeworks,
presenting an empirical analysis to the class, and participating in class
discussion, students also write a report documenting a thorough empirical
analysis they have undertaken. It is fine to base the report on the same
data as presented to the class during the semester. If doing so, be sure
to incorporate relevant feedback received during the presentation.
Reports are due Monday Dec 15 at 2PM.
The report should include:
- Background material sufficient to understand the problem
domain, data you are using, and analysis considerations.
It is fine to craft this to me as a particular reader
if you wish. (So, for example, the background could be very
short or even skipped for topics I've worked on; and
should be pitched for a general CS audience for topics
outside of networking and security, which is what I focus on.)
- An overview of your analysis target(s). Include any reflections
you have on the implications of those targets (e.g., particular
data or analysis challenges that they pose).
- A thoughtful presentation of the measurements on which you base your
analysis: how you gathered it, a summary of their salient
features, and an assessment on any issues (such as biases)
arising from the particular measurement process.
- An examination of data quality issues. Explain what you assessed
in this regard (including potential issues that turned out not
to be problems).
- If appropriate for your particular analysis target, discuss
the data exploration you undertook to illuminate the nature of
the data as it relates to what you want to analyze.
- Discussion of your analysis process and associated issues.
- Brief discussion of argumentation for presenting your
results. That is, which aspects of the preceding facets
of empirical analysis
(presentation of measurements, data quality, data exploration,
analysis process) would you include in a paper presenting your
results? What "narrative" would you employ and what new illustrations
would you want to create, if any?
This unfortunately isn't a topic that we've been able to spend
much class time on, so you do not need to delve into these
considerations in any depth. This is more an opportunity for
you to get feedback on your proposed argumentation approach.
It's fine to use a regular-style research paper as your starting
point if you've already written one. I won't particularly
consider "Related Work", questions of novel contributions,
or the like, but don't mind their presence in your report.
Illustrate generously. It's fine to have way more plots/tables than
you would include in a research paper. (Though you should
also show judgment on not including so many figures that it's
overwhelming to read.) Be sure the plots
are large enough to be easily read - there's no
page limit for the report!
What to Turn In
Submit either PDF or HTML, via email attachment.
I will primarily be reviewing reports from hardcopy,
so the writeup needs to print clearly and
with sufficiently large text (11 point font)
and figures. If you use color figures, mention
that in your cover note so I can send it to an appropriate printer.
In addition, also submit your document source. It doesn't
need to build (e.g., okay to leave out LaTeX packages and figures; it can
be helpful to include your bib file, though). I sometimes use source
as a convenient way of commenting on different parts of writeups.
Reports are due Monday Dec 15 at 2PM.
Finer-grained Writing Considerations
Here are some pointers regarding writing your report (subsetted
from a more
general list from CS261N):
- Use active voice (verbs that convey action) rather than
passive voice ("is" verbs). For example, "We need to consider the problem
of spoofing" rather than "The problem of spoofing is something to consider".
Passive voice, especially lengthy sequences (occasional uses are fine),
reads stilted, and makes it harder for the reader to keep their train of
thought focused.
- Avoid sans serif fonts (those without any tails or hooks
on the letters) such as Helvetica. These are significantly harder to read
than serif fonts such as Times Roman.
- Beware of excessive significant figures. For example, if you have
310 data items, 46 of which have some property, then don't express that
as 0.148387096 of the items having the property. You have at most
3 digits of precision to start with, so stick to 0.148.
- Be sure to number your pages. Doing so allows the reviewer to refer
to particular text in their comments.
- Make your figures large enough so that they clearly show the points
you want them to illustrate. (If you typeset your report in two-columns,
consider using double-column figures if necessary.)
In an actual conference submission, you
often can get into trouble with page limitations, and then have to squeeze
down figures to stay within the length requirements. But that's not
an issue for your class report.
- Likewise, for a writeup like this where you don't have space
restrictions, use an 11-point font or larger, so the text
is physically easy to read.
- If possible, your figures should work if printed in black-and-white,
since some reviewers do their reviewing using hardcopy. (I'm one of them,
but if your figures need color, let me know and I'll print
them accordingly.)
- Spell-check and proofread to correct grammar errors. If your text has
too many of these, it can cost you in terms of assumptions the reviewers
may make regarding your general attention to detail (and thus whether they
trust that you conducted your analyses carefully). If your English
is not fluent, it's worth getting help with it. Unfortunately, for
"blind reviewing" (conferences that require anonymized submissions),
deficiencies in English can prejudice the reviewers towards expecting
inferior quality in the work. Conversely, engaging writing can really
help in subtly suggesting to the reviewer that you know what you're doing
and they should trust you on unclear fine points.
To automate some of this,
you might want to check out
this tool by UCB grad student Devdatta Akhawe,
these scripts, and,
if you're an emacs user, flyspell or
writegood modes.
- Some nits to proofread for:
- Using the same word twice in the same sentence, or (sometimes)
in nearby sentences.
- Typos of repeated words, such as "and and".
- Regularize your bibliography. Avoid redundant dates like
"Proceedings of the 2003 Foobar Conference, March 2003",
instead listing them as "Proceedings of the
Foobar Conference, March 2003".
Beware of how Bibtex can mangle your capitalization.
Avoid abbreviating journal or conference names if they
don't correspond to venues well-known to your audience.
- Avoid phrases like "and more" or "etc.", which beg the reader
to try to imagine what else is missing, and (subtly) convey
a sense of "we the authors can't be bothered to make this
more clear".
- Right-align numbers when putting them in tables, and use commas
for numbers larger than 3 digits. This makes the magnitude
of numbers easier to visually assess.
- If using LaTeX, make sure you use open-quotes (``) and
close-quotes (' ') rather than double-quotes ("), which
it renders in only one direction.
- In LaTeX, you will usually want to use \sloppy (less
uptight regarding line-filling), and \url for
displaying URLs.
- In LaTeX, don't use math mode, like $emphasis$ to
italicized for emphasis, as it messes up the spacing
between characters. Instead use \emph{emphasis}
(or, if you're a literalist, \textit{emphasis}).
- Avoid contractions like "don't". These stand out as too informal
in technical writing.
These might seem trivial, but they can convey to the reader a sense of
whether you took the time to carefully read over your draft.
What If I Still Have Questions?
Ask away! Post to Piazza, or if you prefer, send me email or talk after
class or at office hours.