Pointers to the literature maintained by others
Bind - Networking and Routing Information, maintained by Aaron Hughes.
Internetworking Research Tips, maintained by Mark Allman.
Internet Technical Resources, maintained by
Henning Schulzrinne.
Interdomain routing links, maintained by Tim Griffin.
MPOA, MPLS, and IP Switching References, maintained by Raj Jain.
QoS work.
This is a great web page, including pointers to standards efforts
and to European projects.
Simulation Software
Links, maintained by Alan Kennington.
TCP modeling, maintained by Jitendra Padhye.
- The
reading list for Stefan Savage's class on
"Selected Topics in Wide-Area Networking".
Pointers relevant to IETF work
Archives: sites that are no longer updated:
Last modified: June 2003.