Adding Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Capability
to TCP's SYN/ACK Packets
Adding Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Capability to TCP's
SYN/ACK Packets,
A. Kuzmanovic, S. Floyd, and K.K. Ramakrishnan,
Internet-draft draft-ietf-tcpm-ecnsyn-08.txt, work-in-progress,
April 2009.
Local copy:
ECN web page.
Simulation scripts.
CDF plots.
README for simulations.
The earlier SIGCOMM paper:
The Power of Explicit Congestion Notification
A. Kuzmanovic, SIGCOMM, August 2005.
- NS2, two-way TCP:
To enable
ECN-Capability for SYN/ACK packets in two-way TCP
(tcp-full) in ns-2:
Agent/TCP/FullTcp set ecn_syn_ true
NS2, one-way TCP:
To enable ECN-Capability for SYN/ACK packets in one-way TCP in ns-2:
Agent/TCPSink set ecn_syn_ true
- As of 10/31/2008, ECN+/TryOnce has not been added to one-way TCP in ns-2.
NS2 validation tests with TCP (in tcl/test):
To run tests: ./test-all-ecn-ack