libsmi error range-bounds

Error text: range limit exceeds underlying basetype

Reference: RFC 2579 section 9

   Further, the following restrictions apply:

                          Restrictions to Refinement of
     object syntax         range   enumeration     size
     -----------------     -----   -----------     ----
               INTEGER      (1)        (2)           -
             Integer32      (1)         -            -
            Unsigned32      (1)         -            -
          OCTET STRING       -          -           (3)
     OBJECT IDENTIFIER       -          -            -
                  BITS       -         (2)           -
             IpAddress       -          -            -
             Counter32       -          -            -
             Counter64       -          -            -
               Gauge32      (1)         -            -
             TimeTicks       -          -            -


(1)  the range of permitted values may be refined by raising the lower-
     bounds, by reducing the upper-bounds, and/or by reducing the
     alternative value/range choices;

(2)  the enumeration of named-values may be refined by removing one or
     more named-values (note that for BITS, a refinement may cause the
     enumerations to no longer be contiguous); or,

(3)  the size in octets of the value may be refined by raising the
     lower-bounds, by reducing the upper-bounds, and/or by reducing the
     alternative size choices.

   No other types of refinements can be specified in the SYNTAX clause.