libsmi error invalid-format

Error text: invalid format specification '___'

DISPLAY-HINTs are not allowed for TC's with SYNTAX of OBJECT
IDENTIFIER, IpAddress, Counter32, Counter64, or any enumerated
syntax (BITS or INTEGER).

Formats for INTEGER, Integer32, Unsigned32:

   The first part is a single character suggesting a display format,
   either: `x' for hexadecimal, or `d' for decimal, or `o' for octal, or
   `b' for binary.  For all types, when rendering the value, leading
   zeros are omitted, and for negative values, a minus sign is rendered
   immediately before the digits.  The second part is always omitted for
   `x', `o' and `b', and need not be present for `d'.  If present, the
   second part starts with a hyphen and is followed by a decimal number,
   which defines the implied decimal point when rendering the value.

Formats for OCTET STRING:

   The hint consists of one or more octet-format specifications.  Each
   specification consists of five parts, with each part using and
   removing zero or more of the next octets from the value and producing
   the next zero or more characters to be displayed.  The octets within
   the value are processed in order of significance, most significant

   The five parts of a octet-format specification are:

(1)  the (optional) repeat indicator; if present, this part is a `*',
     and indicates that the current octet of the value is to be used as
     the repeat count.  The repeat count is an unsigned integer (which
     may be zero) which specifies how many times the remainder of this
     octet-format specification should be successively applied.  If the
     repeat indicator is not present, the repeat count is one.

(2)  the octet length: one or more decimal digits specifying the number
     of octets of the value to be used and formatted by this octet-
     specification.  Note that the octet length can be zero.  If less
     than this number of octets remain in the value, then the lesser
     number of octets are used.

(3)  the display format, either:  `x' for hexadecimal, `d' for decimal,
     `o' for octal, `a' for ascii, or `t' for UTF-8.  If the octet
     length part is greater than one, and the display format part refers
     to a numeric format, then network-byte ordering (big-endian
     encoding) is used interpreting the octets in the value.  The octets
     processed by the `t' display format do not necessarily form an
     integral number of UTF-8 characters.  Trailing octets which do not
     form a valid UTF-8 encoded character are discarded.

(4)  the (optional) display separator character; if present, this part
     is a single character which is produced for display after each
     application of this octet-specification; however, this character is
     not produced for display if it would be immediately followed by the
     display of the repeat terminator character for this octet-
     specification.  This character can be any character other than a
     decimal digit and a `*'.

(5)  the (optional) repeat terminator character, which can be present
     only if the display separator character is present and this octet-
     specification begins with a repeat indicator; if present, this part
     is a single character which is produced after all the zero or more
     repeated applications (as given by the repeat count) of this
     octet-specification.  This character can be any character other
     than a decimal digit and a `*'.

   Output of a display separator character or a repeat terminator
   character is suppressed if it would occur as the last character of
   the display.

   If the octets of the value are exhausted before all the octet-format
   specification have been used, then the excess specifications are
   ignored.  If additional octets remain in the value after interpreting
   all the octet-format specifications, then the last octet-format
   specification is re-interpreted to process the additional octets,
   until no octets remain in the value.