smilint output for ./RFC1233-MIB

Message Severities
Message Types
import-failed (error)1
index-element-no-range (error)4
sequence-type-mismatch (error)1
size-illegal (error)1
type-unknown (error)1



   1: -- extracted from rfc1233.txt
   2: -- at Mon Nov 15 17:12:01 1999
   4:                RFC1233-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
   6:                IMPORTS
   7:                        experimental, Counter
   8:                                FROM RFC1155-SMI
   9:                        DisplayString
  10:                                FROM RFC1158-MIB
  10: error - identifier `DisplayString' cannot be imported from module `RFC1158-MIB'
  11:                        OBJECT-TYPE
  12:                                FROM RFC-1212;
  14:                --  This MIB module uses the extended OBJECT-TYPE macro
  15:                --  as defined in [13].
  16:                --  this is the MIB module for the DS3 objects
  18:                ds3     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { experimental 15 }
  20:                -- the DS3 Configuration group
  22:                -- Although the objects in this group are read-only, at
  23:                -- the agent's discretion they may be made read-write
  24:                -- so that the management station, when appropriately
  25:                -- authorized, may change the behavior of the CSU,
  26:                -- e.g., to place the device into a loopback state.
  28:                -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
  29:                -- systems that attach to a DS3 Interface.
  31:                ds3ConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
  32:                    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF DS3ConfigEntry
  33:                    ACCESS  not-accessible
  34:                    STATUS  mandatory
  35:                    DESCRIPTION
  36:                            "The DS3 Configuration table."
  37:                   ::= { ds3 1 }
  39:               ds3ConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  40:                   SYNTAX  DS3ConfigEntry
  41:                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  42:                   STATUS  mandatory
  43:                   DESCRIPTION
  44:                           "An entry in the DS3 Configuration table."
  45:                  INDEX   { ds3CSUIndex }
  46:                  ::= { ds3ConfigTable 1 }
  48:              DS3ConfigEntry ::=
  49:                  SEQUENCE {
  50:                      ds3CSUIndex
  51:                          INTEGER,
  52:                      ds3Index
  53:                          INTEGER,
  54:                      ds3TimeElapsed
  55:                          INTEGER (1..900),
  56:                      ds3ValidIntervals
  57:                          INTEGER (0..96),
  58:                      ds3LineType
  59:                          INTEGER,
  60:                      ds3ZeroCoding
  61:                          INTEGER,
  62:                      ds3Loopback
  63:                          INTEGER,
  65:                      ds3SendCode
  66:                          INTEGER,
  67:                      ds3YellowAlarm
  68:                          INTEGER,
  69:                      ds3RedAlarm
  70:                          INTEGER,
  71:                      ds3CircuitIdentifier
  72:                          DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
  72: error - unknown type `DisplayString'
  73:              }
  75:              ds3CSUIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  75: error - index element `ds3CSUIndex' of row `ds3ConfigEntry' must have a range restriction
  76:                  SYNTAX  INTEGER
  77:                  ACCESS  read-only
  78:                  STATUS  mandatory
  79:                  DESCRIPTION
  80:                          "The index value which uniquely identifies the
  81:                          CSU to which this entry is applicable."
  82:                 ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 1 }
  84:             ds3Index OBJECT-TYPE
  85:                 SYNTAX  INTEGER
  86:                 ACCESS  read-only
  87:                 STATUS  mandatory
  88:                 DESCRIPTION
  89:                         "An index value that uniquely identifies a DS3
  90:                         Interface.  The interface identified by a
  91:                         particular value of this index is the same
  92:                         interface as identified by the same value an
  93:                         ifIndex object instance."
  94:                ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 2 }
  96:            ds3TimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
  97:                SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..900)
  98:                ACCESS  read-only
  99:                STATUS  mandatory
 100:                DESCRIPTION
 101:                        "The number of seconds, including partial
 102:                        seconds, that have elapsed since the beginning of
 103:                        the current error-measurement period."
 104:               ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 3 }
 106:           ds3ValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
 107:               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..96)
 108:               ACCESS  read-only
 109:               STATUS  mandatory
 110:               DESCRIPTION
 111:                       "The number of previous intervals for which valid
 112:                       data was collected.  The value will be 96 unless
 113:                       the CSU device was brought online within the last
 114:                       24 hours, in which case the value will be the
 115:                       number of complete 15 minute intervals the CSU has
 116:                       been online."
 117:               ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 4 }
 119:           ds3LineType OBJECT-TYPE
 120:               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
 121:                           other(1),
 122:                           ds3M23(2),
 123:                           ds3SYNTRAN(3),
 124:                           ds3CbitParity(4),
 125:                           ds3ClearChannel(5)
 126:                       }
 127:               ACCESS  read-only
 128:               STATUS  mandatory
 129:               DESCRIPTION
 130:                       "This variable indicates the variety of DS3 C-bit
 131:                       application implementing this circuit.  The type
 132:                       of circuit affects the interpretation of the usage
 133:                       and error statistics.  The rate of all of them is
 134:                       44.736 Mbps.
 136:                       The values, in sequence, describe:
 137:                       TITLE:            SPECIFICATION:
 138:                       ds3M23            ANSI T1.107-1988 [10]
 139:                       ds3SYNTRAN        ANSI T1.107-1988 [10]
 140:                       ds3C-bitParity    ANSI T1.107a-1989 [10a]
 141:                       ds3ClearChannel   ANSI T1.102-1987 [9]
 142:                       "
 143:               ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 5 }
 145:           ds3ZeroCoding OBJECT-TYPE
 146:               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
 147:                           ds3other(1),
 148:                           ds3B3ZS(2)
 149:                       }
 150:               ACCESS  read-only
 151:               STATUS  mandatory
 152:               DESCRIPTION
 153:                       "This variable describes the variety of Zero Code
 154:                       Suppression used on the link, which in turn
 155:                       affects a number of its characteristics.
 156:                       ds3B3ZS refers to the use of specified patterns of
 157:                       normal bits and bipolar violations which are used
 158:                       to replace sequences of zero bits of a specified
 159:                       length."
 160:               ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 6 }
 162:           ds3Loopback OBJECT-TYPE
 163:               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
 164:                           ds3NoLoop(1),
 165:                           ds3LocalLoopbackLocalSide(2),
 166:                           ds3LocalLoopbackRemoteSide(3),
 167:                           ds3RemoteLoopbackLocalSide(4),
 168:                           ds3RemoteLoopbackRemoteSide(5)
 169:                       }
 170:               ACCESS  read-only
 171:               STATUS  mandatory
 172:               DESCRIPTION
 173:                       "This variable represents the loopback state of
 174:                       the CSU.  Devices supporting read/write access
 175:                       should return badValue in response to a requested
 176:                       loopback state that the CSU does not support.  The
 177:                       values mean:
 179:                         ds3NoLoop
 180:                            Not in the loopback state.  A device that is
 181:                            not capable of performing a loopback on
 182:                            either interface shall always return this as
 183:                            it's value.
 185:                         ds3LocalLoopbackLocalSide
 186:                            Signal received from the local side of the
 187:                            device is looped back at the local connector
 188:                            (eg, without involving the CSU).
 190:                         ds3LocalLoopbackRemoteSide
 191:                            Signal received from the local side of the
 192:                            device is looped back at the remote connector
 193:                            (eg, through the CSU).
 195:                         ds3RemoteLoopbackLocalSide
 196:                            Signal received from the remote side of the
 197:                            device is looped back at the local connector
 198:                            (eg, through the CSU).
 200:                         ds3RemoteLoopbackRemoteSide
 201:                            Signal received from the remote side of the
 202:                            device is looped back at the remote connector
 203:                            (eg, without involving the CSU).
 205:                       Note that M23 and ClearChannel interfaces do not
 206:                       support the Loopback managed object."
 207:               ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 7 }
 209:           ds3SendCode OBJECT-TYPE
 210:               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
 211:                           ds3SendTestMessage(1),
 212:                           ds3SendNoCode(2),
 213:                           ds3SendSetCode(3),
 214:                           ds3SendLoopbackCode(4),
 215:                           ds3SendResetCode(5)
 216:                       }
 217:               ACCESS  read-only
 218:               STATUS  mandatory
 219:               DESCRIPTION
 220:                       "This variable indicates what type of code is
 221:                       being sent across the DS1 circuit by the CSU.  The
 222:                       values mean:
 224:                         ds3SendNoCode
 225:                            sending looped or normal data
 227:                         ds3SendSetCode
 228:                            sending a loopback request
 230:                         ds3SendLoopbackCode
 231:                            sending the code to choose a specific
 232:                            loopback
 234:                         ds3SendResetCode
 235:                            sending a loopback termination request
 237:                         ds3SendTestMessage
 238:                            sending a Test pattern as defined in
 239:                            T1.107a-1989 [10a].
 240:                       "
 241:                        ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 8 }
 243:                    ds3YellowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE
 244:                        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
 245:                                    ds3YellowAlarm(1),
 246:                                    ds3NoYellowAlarm(2)
 247:                                }
 248:                        ACCESS  read-only
 249:                        STATUS  mandatory
 250:                        DESCRIPTION
 251:                                "This variable indicates if a Yellow
 252:                                Alarm condition exists."
 253:                       ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 9 }
 255:                   ds3RedAlarm OBJECT-TYPE
 256:                       SYNTAX  INTEGER {
 257:                                   ds3RedAlarm(1),
 258:                                   ds3NoRedAlarm(2)
 259:                               }
 260:                       ACCESS  read-only
 261:                       STATUS  mandatory
 262:                       DESCRIPTION
 263:                               "This variable indicates if a Red Alarm
 264:                               condition exists."
 265:                      ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 10 }
 267:                  ds3CircuitIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
 268:                      SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
 268: error - illegal size restriction for non-octet-string parent type `DisplayString'
 269:                      ACCESS  read-only
 270:                      STATUS  mandatory
 271:                      DESCRIPTION
 272:                              "This variable contains the transmission
 273:                              vendor's circuit identifier, for the
 274:                              purpose of facilitating troubleshooting."
 275:                     ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 11 }
 275: error - type of `ds3CircuitIdentifier' in sequence and object type definition do not match
 278:                 -- the DS3 Interval group
 280:                 -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
 281:                 -- systems that attach to a DS3 interface.
 283:                 -- The DS3 Interval Table contains various statistics
 284:                 -- collected by each CSU over the previous 24 hours of
 285:                 -- operation.  The past 24 hours are broken into 96
 286:                 -- completed 15 minute intervals.
 288:                 ds3IntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
 289:                     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF DS3IntervalEntry
 290:                     ACCESS  not-accessible
 291:                     STATUS  mandatory
 292:                     DESCRIPTION
 293:                             "The DS3 Interval table."
 294:                    ::= { ds3 2 }
 296:                ds3IntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 297:                    SYNTAX  DS3IntervalEntry
 298:                    ACCESS  not-accessible
 299:                    STATUS  mandatory
 300:                    DESCRIPTION
 301:                            "An entry in the DS3 Interval table."
 302:                   INDEX   { ds3IntervalIndex, ds3IntervalNumber }
 303:                   ::= { ds3IntervalTable 1 }
 305:               DS3IntervalEntry ::=
 306:                   SEQUENCE {
 307:                       ds3IntervalIndex
 308:                           INTEGER,
 309:                       ds3IntervalNumber
 310:                           INTEGER (1..96),
 311:                       ds3IntervalESs
 312:                           Counter,
 313:                       ds3IntervalSESs
 314:                           Counter,
 315:                       ds3IntervalSEFSs
 316:                           Counter,
 317:                       ds3IntervalUASs
 318:                           Counter,
 319:                       ds3IntervalCSSs
 320:                           Counter,
 321:                       ds3IntervalBPVs
 322:                           Counter,
 323:                       ds3IntervalCVs
 324:                           Counter
 325:                   }
 327:               ds3IntervalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
 327: error - index element `ds3IntervalIndex' of row `ds3IntervalEntry' must have a range restriction
 328:                   SYNTAX  INTEGER
 329:                   ACCESS  read-only
 330:                   STATUS  mandatory
 331:                   DESCRIPTION
 332:                           "The index value which uniquely identifies the
 333:                           CSU to which this entry is applicable.  The
 334:                           interface identified by a particular value of
 335:                           this index is the same interface as identified
 336:                           by the same value an DS3CSUIndex object
 337:                           instance."
 338:                  ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 1 }
 340:              ds3IntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
 341:                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..96)
 342:                  ACCESS  read-only
 343:                  STATUS  mandatory
 344:                  DESCRIPTION
 345:                          "A number between 1 and 96, where 1 is the most
 346:                          recently completed 15 minute interval and 96 is
 347:                          the least recently completed 15 minutes
 348:                          interval (assuming that all 96 intervals are
 349:                          valid)."
 350:                 ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 2 }
 352:             ds3IntervalESs OBJECT-TYPE
 353:                 SYNTAX  Counter
 354:                 ACCESS  read-only
 355:                 STATUS  mandatory
 356:                 DESCRIPTION
 357:                         "The counter associated with the number of
 358:                         Errored Seconds, as defined by [12], encountered
 359:                         by a DS3 CSU in one of the previous 96,
 360:                         individual 15 minute, intervals."
 361:                ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 3 }
 363:            ds3IntervalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
 364:                SYNTAX  Counter
 365:                ACCESS  read-only
 366:                STATUS  mandatory
 367:                DESCRIPTION
 368:                        "The counter associated with the number of
 369:                        Severely Errored Seconds, as defined by [12],
 370:                        encountered by a DS3 CSU in one of the previous
 371:                        96, individual 15 minute, intervals."
 372:               ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 4 }
 374:           ds3IntervalSEFSs OBJECT-TYPE
 375:               SYNTAX  Counter
 376:               ACCESS  read-only
 377:               STATUS  mandatory
 378:               DESCRIPTION
 379:                       "The counter associated with the number of
 380:                       Severely Errored Framing Seconds, as defined by
 381:                       [12], encountered by a DS3 CSU in one of the
 382:                       previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals."
 383:               ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 5 }
 385:           ds3IntervalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
 386:               SYNTAX  Counter
 387:               ACCESS  read-only
 388:               STATUS  mandatory
 389:               DESCRIPTION
 390:                       "The counter associated with the number of
 391:                       Unavailable Seconds, as defined by [12],
 392:                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in one of the previous
 393:                       96, individual 15 minute, intervals."
 394:               ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 6 }
 396:           ds3IntervalCSSs OBJECT-TYPE
 397:               SYNTAX  Counter
 398:               ACCESS  read-only
 399:               STATUS  mandatory
 400:               DESCRIPTION
 401:                       "The counter associated with the number of
 402:                       Controlled Slip Seconds, as defined by [12],
 403:                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in one of the previous
 404:                       96, individual 15 minute, intervals.
 406:                       Note that SYNTRAN interfaces are the only
 407:                       interfaces that support the Controlled Slip
 408:                       Seconds managed object.  Accordingly, agents
 409:                       configured with non-SYNTRAN interfaces may treat
 410:                       this object as having an ACCESS clause value of
 411:                       not-accessible."
 412:               ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 7}
 414:           ds3IntervalBPVs OBJECT-TYPE
 415:               SYNTAX  Counter
 416:               ACCESS  read-only
 417:               STATUS  mandatory
 418:               DESCRIPTION
 419:                       "The counter associated with the number of Bipolar
 420:                       Violations, as defined by [12], encountered by a
 421:                       DS3 CSU in one of the previous 96, individual 15
 422:                       minute, intervals."
 423:               ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 8 }
 425:           ds3IntervalCVs OBJECT-TYPE
 426:               SYNTAX  Counter
 427:               ACCESS  read-only
 428:               STATUS  mandatory
 429:               DESCRIPTION
 430:                       "The counter associated with the number of Coding
 431:                       Violations, as defined by [12], encountered by a
 432:                       DS3 CSU in one of the previous 96, individual 15
 433:                       minute, intervals."
 434:               ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 9 }
 437:           -- the DS3 Current group
 439:           -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all systems
 440:           -- that attach to a DS3 Interface.
 442:           -- The DS3 current table contains various statistics being
 443:           -- collected for the current 15 minute interval.
 444:           ds3CurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE
 445:               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF DS3CurrentEntry
 446:               ACCESS  not-accessible
 447:               STATUS  mandatory
 448:               DESCRIPTION
 449:                       "The DS3 Current table."
 450:               ::= { ds3 3 }
 452:           ds3CurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 453:               SYNTAX  DS3CurrentEntry
 454:               ACCESS  not-accessible
 455:               STATUS  mandatory
 456:               DESCRIPTION
 457:                       "An entry in the DS3 Current table."
 458:               INDEX   { ds3CurrentIndex }
 459:               ::= { ds3CurrentTable 1 }
 461:           DS3CurrentEntry ::=
 462:               SEQUENCE {
 463:                   ds3CurrentIndex
 464:                       INTEGER,
 465:                   ds3CurrentESs
 466:                       Counter,
 467:                   ds3CurrentSESs
 468:                       Counter,
 469:                   ds3CurrentSEFSs
 470:                       Counter,
 471:                   ds3CurrentUASs
 472:                       Counter,
 473:                   ds3CurrentCSSs
 474:                       Counter,
 475:                   ds3CurrentBPVs
 476:                       Counter,
 477:                   ds3CurrentCVs
 478:                       Counter
 479:               }
 481:           ds3CurrentIndex OBJECT-TYPE
 481: error - index element `ds3CurrentIndex' of row `ds3CurrentEntry' must have a range restriction
 482:               SYNTAX  INTEGER
 483:               ACCESS  read-only
 484:               STATUS  mandatory
 485:               DESCRIPTION
 486:                       "The index value which uniquely identifies the CSU
 487:                       to which this entry is applicable.  The interface
 488:                       identified by a particular value of this index is
 489:                       the same interface as identified by the same value
 490:                       an DS3CSUIndex object instance."
 491:               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 1 }
 493:           ds3CurrentESs OBJECT-TYPE
 494:               SYNTAX  Counter
 495:               ACCESS  read-only
 496:               STATUS  mandatory
 497:               DESCRIPTION
 498:                       "The counter associated with the number of Errored
 499:                       Seconds, as defined by [12], encountered by a DS3
 500:                       CSU in the current 15 minute interval."
 501:               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 2 }
 503:           ds3CurrentSESs OBJECT-TYPE
 504:               SYNTAX  Counter
 505:               ACCESS  read-only
 506:               STATUS  mandatory
 507:               DESCRIPTION
 508:                       "The counter associated with the number of
 509:                       Severely Errored Seconds, as defined by [12],
 510:                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in the current 15 minute
 511:                       interval."
 512:               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 3 }
 514:           ds3CurrentSEFSs OBJECT-TYPE
 515:               SYNTAX  Counter
 516:               ACCESS  read-only
 517:               STATUS  mandatory
 518:               DESCRIPTION
 519:                       "The counter associated with the number of
 520:                       Severely Errored Framing Seconds, as defined by
 521:                       [12], encountered by a DS3 CSU in the current 15
 522:                       minute interval."
 523:               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 4 }
 525:           ds3CurrentUASs OBJECT-TYPE
 526:               SYNTAX  Counter
 527:               ACCESS  read-only
 528:               STATUS  mandatory
 529:               DESCRIPTION
 530:                       "The counter associated with the number of
 531:                       Unavailable Seconds, as defined by [12],
 532:                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in the current 15 minute
 533:                       interval."
 534:               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 5 }
 536:           ds3CurrentCSSs OBJECT-TYPE
 537:               SYNTAX  Counter
 538:               ACCESS  read-only
 539:               STATUS  mandatory
 540:               DESCRIPTION
 541:                       "The counter associated with the number of
 542:                       Controlled Slip Seconds, as defined by [12],
 543:                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in the current 15 minute
 544:                       interval.
 546:                       Note that SYNTRAN interfaces are the only
 547:                       interfaces that support the Controlled Slip
 548:                       Seconds managed object.  Accordingly, agents
 549:                       configured with non-SYNTRAN interfaces may treat
 550:                       this object as having an ACCESS clause value of
 551:                       not-accessible."
 552:               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 6 }
 554:           ds3CurrentBPVs OBJECT-TYPE
 555:               SYNTAX  Counter
 556:               ACCESS  read-only
 557:               STATUS  mandatory
 558:               DESCRIPTION
 559:                       "The counter associated with the number of Bipolar
 560:                       Violations, as defined by [12], encountered by a
 561:                       DS3 CSU in the current 15 minute interval."
 562:               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 7}
 564:           ds3CurrentCVs OBJECT-TYPE
 565:               SYNTAX  Counter
 566:               ACCESS  read-only
 567:               STATUS  mandatory
 568:               DESCRIPTION
 569:                       "The counter associated with the number of Coding
 570:                       Violations, as defined by [12], encountered by a
 571:                       DS3 CSU in the current 15 minute interval."
 572:               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 8 }
 575:           -- the DS3 Total group
 577:           -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all systems
 578:           -- that attach to a DS3.
 580:           -- The DS3 Total Table contains the cumulative sum of the
 581:           -- various statistics for the 24 hour interval preceding the
 582:           -- first valid interval in the DS3CurrentTable.
 584:           ds3TotalTable OBJECT-TYPE
 585:               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF DS3TotalEntry
 586:               ACCESS  not-accessible
 587:               STATUS  mandatory
 588:               DESCRIPTION
 589:                       "The DS3 Total table.  24 hour interval."
 590:               ::= { ds3 4 }
 592:           ds3TotalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 593:               SYNTAX  DS3TotalEntry
 594:               ACCESS  not-accessible
 595:               STATUS  mandatory
 596:               DESCRIPTION
 597:                       "An entry in the DS3 Total table."
 598:               INDEX   { ds3TotalIndex }
 599:               ::= { ds3TotalTable 1 }
 601:           DS3TotalEntry ::=
 602:               SEQUENCE {
 603:                   ds3TotalIndex
 604:                       INTEGER,
 605:                   ds3TotalESs
 606:                       Counter,
 607:                   ds3TotalSESs
 608:                       Counter,
 609:                   ds3TotalSEFSs
 610:                       Counter,
 611:                   ds3TotalUASs
 612:                       Counter,
 613:                   ds3TotalCSSs
 614:                       Counter,
 615:                   ds3TotalBPVs
 616:                       Counter,
 617:                   ds3TotalCVs
 618:                       Counter
 619:               }
 621:           ds3TotalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
 621: error - index element `ds3TotalIndex' of row `ds3TotalEntry' must have a range restriction
 622:               SYNTAX  INTEGER
 623:               ACCESS  read-only
 624:               STATUS  mandatory
 625:               DESCRIPTION
 626:                       "The index value which uniquely identifies the CSU
 627:                       to which this entry is applicable.  The interface
 628:                       identified by a particular value of this index is
 629:                       the same interface as identified by the same value
 630:                       an DS3CSUIndex object instance."
 631:               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 1 }
 633:           ds3TotalESs OBJECT-TYPE
 634:               SYNTAX  Counter
 635:               ACCESS  read-only
 636:               STATUS  mandatory
 637:               DESCRIPTION
 638:                       "The counter associated with the number of Errored
 639:                       Seconds, as defined by [12], encountered by a DS3
 640:                       CSU in the previous 24 hour interval."
 641:               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 2 }
 643:           ds3TotalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
 644:               SYNTAX  Counter
 645:               ACCESS  read-only
 646:               STATUS  mandatory
 647:               DESCRIPTION
 648:                       "The counter associated with the number of
 649:                       Severely Errored Seconds, as defined by [12],
 650:                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in the previous 24 hour
 651:                       interval."
 652:               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 3 }
 654:           ds3TotalSEFSs OBJECT-TYPE
 655:               SYNTAX  Counter
 656:               ACCESS  read-only
 657:               STATUS  mandatory
 658:               DESCRIPTION
 659:                       "The counter associated with the number of
 660:                       Severely Errored Framing Seconds, as defined by
 661:                       [12], encountered by a DS3 CSU in the previous 24
 662:                       hour interval."
 663:               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 4 }
 665:           ds3TotalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
 666:               SYNTAX  Counter
 667:               ACCESS  read-only
 668:               STATUS  mandatory
 669:               DESCRIPTION
 670:                       "The counter associated with the number of
 671:                       Unavailable Seconds, as defined by [12],
 672:                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in the previous 24 hour
 673:                       interval."
 674:               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 5 }
 676:           ds3TotalCSSs OBJECT-TYPE
 677:               SYNTAX  Counter
 678:               ACCESS  read-only
 679:               STATUS  mandatory
 680:               DESCRIPTION
 681:                       "The counter associated with the number of
 682:                       Controlled Slip Seconds, as defined by [12],
 683:                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in the previous 24 hour
 684:                       interval.
 685:                       Note that SYNTRAN interfaces are the only
 686:                       interfaces that support the Controlled Slip
 687:                       Seconds managed object.  Accordingly, agents
 688:                       configured with non-SYNTRAN interfaces may treat
 689:                       this object as having an ACCESS clause value of
 690:                       not-accessible."
 691:               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 6 }
 693:           ds3TotalBPVs OBJECT-TYPE
 694:               SYNTAX  Counter
 695:               ACCESS  read-only
 696:               STATUS  mandatory
 697:               DESCRIPTION
 698:                       "The counter associated with the number of Bipolar
 699:                       Violations, as defined by [12], encountered by a
 700:                       DS3 CSU in the previous 24 hour interval."
 701:               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 7 }
 703:           ds3TotalCVs OBJECT-TYPE
 704:               SYNTAX  Counter
 705:               ACCESS  read-only
 706:               STATUS  mandatory
 707:               DESCRIPTION
 708:                       "The counter associated with the number of Coding
 709:                       Violations, as defined by [12], encountered by a
 710:                       DS3 CSU in the previous 24 hour interval."
 711:               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 8 }
 715:           END