smilint output for ./IPV6-MIB

Message Severities
minor error1
Message Types
identifier-external-case-match (warning)1
integer-misuse (warning)5
previous-definition (fyi)1
revision-missing (minor error)1
subtype-illegal (error)1



   1: -- extracted from rfc2465.txt
   2: -- at Mon Nov 15 17:11:40 1999
   4:         IPV6-TC DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
   6:         IMPORTS
   7:              Integer32                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
   8:              TEXTUAL-CONVENTION       FROM SNMPv2-TC;
  11:         -- definition of textual conventions
  12:         Ipv6Address ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
  13:              DISPLAY-HINT "2x:"
  14:              STATUS       current
  15:              DESCRIPTION
  16:                "This data type is used to model IPv6 addresses.
  17:                 This is a binary string of 16 octets in network
  18:                 byte-order."
  19:              SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (16))
  21:         Ipv6AddressPrefix ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
  22:              DISPLAY-HINT "2x:"
  23:              STATUS       current
  24:              DESCRIPTION
  25:                "This data type is used to model IPv6 address
  26:                prefixes. This is a binary string of up to 16
  27:                octets in network byte-order."
  28:              SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16))
  30:         Ipv6AddressIfIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
  31:              DISPLAY-HINT "2x:"
  32:              STATUS       current
  33:              DESCRIPTION
  34:                "This data type is used to model IPv6 address
  35:                interface identifiers. This is a binary string
  36:                 of up to 8 octets in network byte-order."
  37:              SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8))
  39:         Ipv6IfIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
  39: fyi - info: previous definition of `Ipv6IfIndex'
  40:              DISPLAY-HINT "d"
  41:              STATUS       current
  42:              DESCRIPTION
  43:                "A unique value, greater than zero for each
  44:                internetwork-layer interface in the managed
  45:                system. It is recommended that values are assigned
  46:                contiguously starting from 1. The value for each
  47:                internetwork-layer interface must remain constant
  48:                at least from one re-initialization of the entity's
  49:                network management system to the next
  50:                re-initialization."
  51:              SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..2147483647)
  53:         Ipv6IfIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
  54:              DISPLAY-HINT "d"
  55:              STATUS       current
  56:              DESCRIPTION
  57:                  "This textual convention is an extension of the
  58:                  Ipv6IfIndex convention.  The latter defines
  59:                  a greater than zero value used to identify an IPv6
  60:                  interface in the managed system.  This extension
  61:                  permits the additional value of zero.  The value
  62:                  zero is object-specific and must therefore be
  63:                  defined as part of the description of any object
  64:                  which uses this syntax.  Examples of the usage of
  65:                  zero might include situations where interface was
  66:                  unknown, or when none or all interfaces need to be
  67:                  referenced."
  68:              SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..2147483647)
  70:         END
  72: -- 
  73: --    Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1997).  All Rights Reserved.
  74: -- 
  75: --    This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
  76: --    others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
  77: --    or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
  78: --    and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
  79: --    kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
  80: --    included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
  81: --    document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
  82: --    the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
  83: --    Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
  84: --    developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
  85: --    copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
  86: --    followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
  87: --    English.
  88: -- 
  89: --    The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
  90: --    revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
  91: -- 
  92: --    This document and the information contained herein is provided on an


   1: -- extracted from rfc2465.txt
   2: -- at Mon Nov 15 17:11:40 1999
   4:          IPV6-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
   6:          IMPORTS
   8:              mib-2, Counter32, Unsigned32, Integer32,
   9:              Gauge32                               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
  10:              DisplayString, PhysAddress, TruthValue, TimeStamp,
  11:              VariablePointer, RowPointer           FROM SNMPv2-TC
  13:              NOTIFICATION-GROUP                    FROM SNMPv2-CONF
  14:              Ipv6IfIndex, Ipv6Address, Ipv6AddressPrefix,
  15:              Ipv6AddressIfIdentifier,
  16:              Ipv6IfIndexOrZero                     FROM IPV6-TC;
  18:          ipv6MIB MODULE-IDENTITY
  19:              LAST-UPDATED "9802052155Z"
  20:              ORGANIZATION "IETF IPv6 Working Group"
  21:              CONTACT-INFO
  22:                "           Dimitry Haskin
  24:                    Postal: Bay Networks, Inc.
  25:                            660 Techology Park Drive.
  26:                            Billerica, MA  01821
  27:                            US
  29:                       Tel: +1-978-916-8124
  30:                    E-mail:
  32:                            Steve Onishi
  34:                    Postal: Bay Networks, Inc.
  35:                            3 Federal Street
  36:                            Billerica, MA 01821
  37:                            US
  39:                       Tel: +1-978-916-3816
  40:                    E-mail:"
  41:              DESCRIPTION
  42:                "The MIB module for entities implementing the IPv6
  43:                 protocol."
  44:              ::= { mib-2 55 }
  44: minor error - revision for last update is missing
  47:          -- the IPv6 general group
  49:          ipv6MIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { ipv6MIB 1 }
  52:          ipv6Forwarding OBJECT-TYPE
  53:              SYNTAX      INTEGER {
  54:                           forwarding(1),    -- acting as a router
  56:                                             -- NOT acting as
  57:                           notForwarding(2)  -- a router
  58:                          }
  59:               MAX-ACCESS read-write
  60:               STATUS     current
  61:               DESCRIPTION
  62:                 "The indication of whether this entity is acting
  63:                 as an IPv6 router in respect to the forwarding of
  64:                 datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this
  65:                 entity.  IPv6 routers forward datagrams.  IPv6
  66:                 hosts do not (except those source-routed via the
  67:                 host).
  69:                 Note that for some managed nodes, this object may
  70:                 take on only a subset of the values possible.
  71:                 Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent to
  72:                 return a `wrongValue' response if a management
  73:                 station attempts to change this object to an
  74:                 inappropriate value."
  75:               ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 1 }
  77:          ipv6DefaultHopLimit OBJECT-TYPE
  78:              SYNTAX      INTEGER(0..255)
  78: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
  79:              MAX-ACCESS  read-write
  80:               STATUS     current
  81:              DESCRIPTION
  82:                 "The default value inserted into the Hop Limit
  83:                 field of the IPv6 header of datagrams originated
  84:                 at this entity, whenever a Hop Limit value is not
  85:                 supplied by the transport layer protocol."
  86:              DEFVAL  { 64 }
  87:              ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 2 }
  89:         ipv6Interfaces OBJECT-TYPE
  90:              SYNTAX      Unsigned32
  91:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  92:              STATUS      current
  93:              DESCRIPTION
  94:                "The number of IPv6 interfaces (regardless of
  95:                 their current state) present on this system."
  96:              ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 3 }
  98:         ipv6IfTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
  99:              SYNTAX      TimeStamp
 100:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 101:              STATUS      current
 102:              DESCRIPTION
 103:                "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last
 104:                insertion or removal of an entry in the
 105:                ipv6IfTable. If the number of entries has been
 106:                unchanged since the last re-initialization of
 107:                the local network management subsystem, then this
 108:                object contains a zero value."
 109:              ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 4 }
 112:         -- the IPv6 Interfaces table
 114:         ipv6IfTable OBJECT-TYPE
 115:              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Ipv6IfEntry
 116:              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
 117:              STATUS     current
 118:              DESCRIPTION
 119:                "The IPv6 Interfaces table contains information
 120:                on the entity's internetwork-layer interfaces.
 121:                An IPv6 interface constitutes a logical network
 122:                layer attachment to the layer immediately below
 123:                IPv6 including internet layer 'tunnels', such as
 124:                tunnels over IPv4 or IPv6 itself."
 125:              ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 5 }
 127:          ipv6IfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 128:              SYNTAX     Ipv6IfEntry
 129:              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
 130:              STATUS     current
 131:              DESCRIPTION
 132:                "An interface entry containing objects
 133:                 about a particular IPv6 interface."
 134:              INDEX   { ipv6IfIndex }
 135:              ::= { ipv6IfTable 1 }
 137:          Ipv6IfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
 138:                  ipv6IfIndex              Ipv6IfIndex,
 139:                  ipv6IfDescr              DisplayString,
 140:                  ipv6IfLowerLayer         VariablePointer,
 141:                  ipv6IfEffectiveMtu       Unsigned32,
 142:                  ipv6IfReasmMaxSize       Unsigned32,
 143:                  ipv6IfIdentifier         Ipv6AddressIfIdentifier,
 144:                  ipv6IfIdentifierLength   INTEGER,
 145:                  ipv6IfPhysicalAddress    PhysAddress,
 146:                  ipv6IfAdminStatus        INTEGER,
 147:                  ipv6IfOperStatus         INTEGER,
 148:                  ipv6IfLastChange         TimeStamp
 149:              }
 151:          ipv6IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
 151: warning - warning: identifier `ipv6IfIndex' differs from `IPV6-TC::Ipv6IfIndex' only in case
 152:              SYNTAX     Ipv6IfIndex
 153:              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
 154:              STATUS     current
 155:              DESCRIPTION
 156:                "A unique non-zero value identifying
 157:                 the particular IPv6 interface."
 158:              ::= { ipv6IfEntry 1 }
 160:          ipv6IfDescr OBJECT-TYPE
 161:              SYNTAX     DisplayString
 162:              MAX-ACCESS read-write
 163:              STATUS     current
 164:              DESCRIPTION
 165:                "A textual string containing information about the
 166:                interface.  This string may be set by the network
 167:                management system."
 168:              ::= { ipv6IfEntry 2 }
 170:          ipv6IfLowerLayer OBJECT-TYPE
 171:             SYNTAX      VariablePointer
 172:             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 173:             STATUS      current
 174:             DESCRIPTION
 175:               "This object identifies the protocol layer over
 176:                which this network interface operates.  If this
 177:                network interface operates over the data-link
 178:                layer, then the value of this object refers to an
 179:                instance of ifIndex [6]. If this network interface
 180:                operates over an IPv4 interface, the value of this
 181:                object refers to an instance of ipAdEntAddr [3].
 183:                If this network interface operates over another
 184:                IPv6 interface, the value of this object refers to
 185:                an instance of ipv6IfIndex.  If this network
 186:                interface is not currently operating over an active
 187:                protocol layer, then the value of this object
 188:                should be set to the OBJECT ID { 0 0 }."
 189:             ::= { ipv6IfEntry 3 }
 191:          ipv6IfEffectiveMtu OBJECT-TYPE
 192:             SYNTAX      Unsigned32
 193:             UNITS       "octets"
 194:             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 195:             STATUS      current
 196:             DESCRIPTION
 197:               "The size of the largest IPv6 packet which can be
 198:               sent/received on the interface, specified in
 199:               octets."
 200:          ::= { ipv6IfEntry 4 }
 202:          ipv6IfReasmMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
 203:             SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
 204:             UNITS       "octets"
 205:             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 206:             STATUS      current
 207:             DESCRIPTION
 208:               "The size of the largest IPv6 datagram which this
 209:               entity can re-assemble from incoming IPv6 fragmented
 210:               datagrams received on this interface."
 211:          ::= { ipv6IfEntry 5 }
 213:          ipv6IfIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
 214:              SYNTAX      Ipv6AddressIfIdentifier
 215:              MAX-ACCESS  read-write
 216:              STATUS      current
 217:              DESCRIPTION
 218:                 "The Interface Identifier for this interface that
 219:                 is (at least) unique on the link this interface is
 220:                 attached to. The Interface Identifier is combined
 221:                 with an address prefix to form an interface address.
 223:                 By default, the Interface Identifier is autoconfigured
 224:                 according to the rules of the link type this
 225:                 interface is attached to."
 226:              ::= { ipv6IfEntry 6 }
 228:          ipv6IfIdentifierLength OBJECT-TYPE
 229:              SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..64)
 229: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
 230:              UNITS       "bits"
 231:              MAX-ACCESS  read-write
 232:              STATUS      current
 233:              DESCRIPTION
 234:                "The length of the Interface Identifier in bits."
 235:              ::= { ipv6IfEntry 7 }
 237:          ipv6IfPhysicalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
 238:              SYNTAX      PhysAddress
 239:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 240:              STATUS      current
 241:              DESCRIPTION
 242:                "The interface's physical address. For example, for
 243:                an IPv6 interface attached to an 802.x link, this
 244:                object normally contains a MAC address. Note that
 245:                in some cases this address may differ from the
 246:                address of the interface's protocol sub-layer.  The
 247:                interface's media-specific MIB must define the bit
 248:                and byte ordering and the format of the value of
 249:                this object. For interfaces which do not have such
 250:                an address (e.g., a serial line), this object should
 251:                contain an octet string of zero length."
 252:              ::= { ipv6IfEntry 8 }
 254:         ipv6IfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
 255:             SYNTAX  INTEGER {
 256:                      up(1),       -- ready to pass packets
 257:                      down(2)
 258:                     }
 259:             MAX-ACCESS  read-write
 260:             STATUS      current
 261:             DESCRIPTION
 262:               "The desired state of the interface.  When a managed
 263:               system initializes,  all IPv6 interfaces start with
 264:               ipv6IfAdminStatus in the down(2) state.  As a result
 265:               of either explicit management action or per
 266:               configuration information retained by the managed
 267:               system,  ipv6IfAdminStatus is then changed to
 268:               the up(1) state (or remains in the down(2) state)."
 269:             ::= { ipv6IfEntry 9 }
 271:         ipv6IfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
 272:             SYNTAX  INTEGER {
 273:                      up(1),             -- ready to pass packets
 275:                      down(2),
 277:                      noIfIdentifier(3), -- no interface identifier
 279:                                         -- status can not be
 280:                                         -- determined for some
 281:                      unknown(4),        -- reason
 283:                                         -- some component is
 284:                      notPresent(5)      -- missing
 285:                     }
 286:             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 287:             STATUS      current
 288:             DESCRIPTION
 289:               "The current operational state of the interface.
 290:               The noIfIdentifier(3) state indicates that no valid
 291:               Interface Identifier is assigned to the interface.
 292:               This state usually indicates that the link-local
 293:               interface address failed Duplicate Address Detection.
 294:               If ipv6IfAdminStatus is down(2) then ipv6IfOperStatus
 295:               should be down(2).  If ipv6IfAdminStatus is changed
 296:               to up(1) then ipv6IfOperStatus should change to up(1)
 297:               if the interface is ready to transmit and receive
 298:               network traffic; it should remain in the down(2) or
 299:               noIfIdentifier(3) state if and only if there is a
 300:               fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state;
 301:               it should remain in the notPresent(5) state if
 302:               the interface has missing (typically, lower layer)
 303:               components."
 304:             ::= { ipv6IfEntry 10 }
 306:         ipv6IfLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
 307:             SYNTAX      TimeStamp
 308:             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 309:             STATUS      current
 310:             DESCRIPTION
 311:                 "The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface
 312:                 entered its current operational state.  If the
 313:                 current state was entered prior to the last
 314:                 re-initialization of the local network management
 315:                 subsystem, then this object contains a zero
 316:                 value."
 317:             ::= { ipv6IfEntry 11 }
 319:          --  IPv6 Interface Statistics table
 321:          ipv6IfStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
 322:              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Ipv6IfStatsEntry
 323:              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
 324:              STATUS     current
 325:              DESCRIPTION
 326:                  "IPv6 interface traffic statistics."
 327:              ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 6 }
 329:          ipv6IfStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 330:              SYNTAX     Ipv6IfStatsEntry
 331:              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
 332:              STATUS     current
 333:              DESCRIPTION
 334:                  "An interface statistics entry containing objects
 335:                  at a particular IPv6 interface."
 336:              AUGMENTS { ipv6IfEntry }
 337:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsTable 1 }
 339:          Ipv6IfStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
 340:                  ipv6IfStatsInReceives
 341:                      Counter32,
 342:                  ipv6IfStatsInHdrErrors
 343:                      Counter32,
 344:                  ipv6IfStatsInTooBigErrors
 345:                      Counter32,
 346:                  ipv6IfStatsInNoRoutes
 347:                      Counter32,
 348:                  ipv6IfStatsInAddrErrors
 349:                      Counter32,
 350:                  ipv6IfStatsInUnknownProtos
 351:                      Counter32,
 352:                  ipv6IfStatsInTruncatedPkts
 353:                      Counter32,
 354:                  ipv6IfStatsInDiscards
 355:                      Counter32,
 356:                  ipv6IfStatsInDelivers
 357:                      Counter32,
 358:                  ipv6IfStatsOutForwDatagrams
 359:                      Counter32,
 360:                  ipv6IfStatsOutRequests
 361:                      Counter32,
 362:                  ipv6IfStatsOutDiscards
 363:                      Counter32,
 364:                  ipv6IfStatsOutFragOKs
 365:                      Counter32,
 366:                  ipv6IfStatsOutFragFails
 367:                      Counter32,
 368:                  ipv6IfStatsOutFragCreates
 369:                      Counter32,
 370:                  ipv6IfStatsReasmReqds
 371:                      Counter32,
 372:                  ipv6IfStatsReasmOKs
 373:                      Counter32,
 374:                  ipv6IfStatsReasmFails
 375:                      Counter32,
 376:                  ipv6IfStatsInMcastPkts
 377:                      Counter32,
 378:                  ipv6IfStatsOutMcastPkts
 379:                      Counter32
 380:              }
 382:          ipv6IfStatsInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
 383:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 384:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 385:              STATUS      current
 386:              DESCRIPTION
 387:                 "The total number of input datagrams received by
 388:                 the interface, including those received in error."
 389:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 1 }
 391:          ipv6IfStatsInHdrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 392:              SYNTAX     Counter32
 393:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
 394:              STATUS     current
 395:              DESCRIPTION
 396:                 "The number of input datagrams discarded due to
 397:                 errors in their IPv6 headers, including version
 398:                 number mismatch, other format errors, hop count
 399:                 exceeded, errors discovered in processing their
 400:                 IPv6 options, etc."
 401:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 2 }
 403:          ipv6IfStatsInTooBigErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 404:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 405:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 406:              STATUS      current
 407:              DESCRIPTION
 408:                "The number of input datagrams that could not be
 409:                forwarded because their size exceeded the link MTU
 410:                of outgoing interface."
 411:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 3 }
 413:          ipv6IfStatsInNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
 414:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 415:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 416:              STATUS      current
 417:              DESCRIPTION
 418:                 "The number of input datagrams discarded because no
 419:                  route could be found to transmit them to their
 420:                  destination."
 421:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 4 }
 423:          ipv6IfStatsInAddrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 424:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 425:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 426:              STATUS      current
 427:              DESCRIPTION
 428:                 "The number of input datagrams discarded because
 429:                 the IPv6 address in their IPv6 header's destination
 430:                 field was not a valid address to be received at
 431:                 this entity.  This count includes invalid
 432:                 addresses (e.g., ::0) and unsupported addresses
 433:                 (e.g., addresses with unallocated prefixes).  For
 434:                 entities which are not IPv6 routers and therefore
 435:                 do not forward datagrams, this counter includes
 436:                 datagrams discarded because the destination address
 437:                 was not a local address."
 438:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 5 }
 440:          ipv6IfStatsInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
 441:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 442:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 443:              STATUS      current
 444:              DESCRIPTION
 445:                 "The number of locally-addressed datagrams
 446:                 received successfully but discarded because of an
 447:                 unknown or unsupported protocol. This counter is
 448:                 incremented at the interface to which these
 449:                 datagrams were addressed which might not be
 450:                 necessarily the input interface for some of
 451:                 the datagrams."
 452:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 6 }
 455:          ipv6IfStatsInTruncatedPkts OBJECT-TYPE
 456:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 457:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 458:              STATUS      current
 459:              DESCRIPTION
 460:                 "The number of input datagrams discarded because
 461:                  datagram frame didn't carry enough data."
 462:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 7 }
 464:          ipv6IfStatsInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
 465:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 466:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 467:              STATUS      current
 468:              DESCRIPTION
 469:                 "The number of input IPv6 datagrams for which no
 470:                 problems were encountered to prevent their
 471:                 continued processing, but which were discarded
 472:                 (e.g., for lack of buffer space).  Note that this
 473:                 counter does not include any datagrams discarded
 474:                 while awaiting re-assembly."
 475:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 8 }
 477:          ipv6IfStatsInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE
 478:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 479:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 480:              STATUS      current
 481:              DESCRIPTION
 482:               "The total number of datagrams successfully
 483:               delivered to IPv6 user-protocols (including ICMP).
 484:               This counter is incremented at the interface to
 485:               which these datagrams were addressed which might
 486:               not be necessarily the input interface for some of
 487:               the datagrams."
 488:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 9 }
 490:          ipv6IfStatsOutForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
 491:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 492:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 493:              STATUS      current
 494:              DESCRIPTION
 495:                 "The number of output datagrams which this
 496:                 entity received and forwarded to their final
 497:                 destinations.  In entities which do not act
 498:                 as IPv6 routers, this counter will include
 499:                 only those packets which were Source-Routed
 500:                 via this entity, and the Source-Route
 501:                 processing was successful.  Note that for
 502:                 a successfully forwarded datagram the counter
 503:                 of the outgoing interface is incremented."
 504:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 10 }
 506:          ipv6IfStatsOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
 507:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 508:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 509:              STATUS      current
 510:              DESCRIPTION
 511:               "The total number of IPv6 datagrams which local IPv6
 512:               user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IPv6 in
 513:               requests for transmission.  Note that this counter
 514:               does not include any datagrams counted in
 515:               ipv6IfStatsOutForwDatagrams."
 516:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 11 }
 518:          ipv6IfStatsOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
 519:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 520:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 521:              STATUS      current
 522:              DESCRIPTION
 523:                  "The number of output IPv6 datagrams for which no
 524:                  problem was encountered to prevent their
 525:                  transmission to their destination, but which were
 526:                  discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space).  Note
 527:                  that this counter would include datagrams counted
 528:                  in ipv6IfStatsOutForwDatagrams if any such packets
 529:                  met this (discretionary) discard criterion."
 530:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 12 }
 532:          ipv6IfStatsOutFragOKs OBJECT-TYPE
 533:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 534:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 535:              STATUS      current
 536:              DESCRIPTION
 537:                 "The number of IPv6 datagrams that have been
 538:                  successfully fragmented at this output interface."
 539:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 13 }
 541:          ipv6IfStatsOutFragFails OBJECT-TYPE
 542:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 543:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 544:              STATUS      current
 545:              DESCRIPTION
 546:                 "The number of IPv6 datagrams that have been
 547:                  discarded because they needed to be fragmented
 548:                  at this output interface but could not be."
 549:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 14 }
 551:          ipv6IfStatsOutFragCreates OBJECT-TYPE
 552:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 553:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 554:              STATUS      current
 555:              DESCRIPTION
 556:                 "The number of output datagram fragments that have
 557:                  been generated as a result of fragmentation at
 558:                  this output interface."
 559:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 15 }
 561:          ipv6IfStatsReasmReqds OBJECT-TYPE
 562:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 563:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 564:              STATUS      current
 565:              DESCRIPTION
 566:                 "The number of IPv6 fragments received which needed
 567:                  to be reassembled at this interface.  Note that this
 568:                  counter is incremented at the interface to which
 569:                  these fragments were addressed which might not
 570:                  be necessarily the input interface for some of
 571:                  the fragments."
 572:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 16 }
 574:          ipv6IfStatsReasmOKs OBJECT-TYPE
 575:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 576:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 577:              STATUS      current
 578:              DESCRIPTION
 579:                "The number of IPv6 datagrams successfully
 580:                reassembled.  Note that this counter is incremented
 581:                at the interface to which these datagrams were
 582:                addressed which might not be necessarily the input
 583:                interface for some of the fragments."
 584:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 17 }
 586:          ipv6IfStatsReasmFails OBJECT-TYPE
 587:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 588:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 589:              STATUS      current
 590:              DESCRIPTION
 591:                 "The number of failures detected by the IPv6 re-
 592:                 assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed
 593:                 out, errors, etc.).  Note that this is not
 594:                 necessarily a count of discarded IPv6 fragments
 595:                 since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in
 596:                 RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments
 597:                 by combining them as they are received.
 598:                 This counter is incremented at the interface to which
 599:                 these fragments were addressed which might not be
 600:                 necessarily the input interface for some of the
 601:                 fragments."
 602:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 18 }
 604:          ipv6IfStatsInMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
 605:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 606:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 607:              STATUS     current
 608:              DESCRIPTION
 609:                 "The number of multicast packets received
 610:                  by the interface"
 611:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 19 }
 613:          ipv6IfStatsOutMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
 614:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 615:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 616:              STATUS      current
 617:              DESCRIPTION
 618:                 "The number of multicast packets transmitted
 619:                  by the interface"
 620:              ::= { ipv6IfStatsEntry 20 }
 624:          -- Address Prefix table
 626:          -- The IPv6 Address Prefix table contains information on
 627:          -- the entity's IPv6 Address Prefixes that are associated
 628:          -- with IPv6 interfaces.
 630:          ipv6AddrPrefixTable OBJECT-TYPE
 631:              SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Ipv6AddrPrefixEntry
 632:              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 633:              STATUS      current
 634:              DESCRIPTION
 635:                  "The list of IPv6 address prefixes of
 636:                  IPv6 interfaces."
 637:              ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 7 }
 639:          ipv6AddrPrefixEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 640:              SYNTAX  Ipv6AddrPrefixEntry
 641:              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 642:              STATUS      current
 643:              DESCRIPTION
 644:                  "An interface entry containing objects of
 645:                  a particular IPv6 address prefix."
 646:              INDEX   { ipv6IfIndex,
 647:                        ipv6AddrPrefix,
 648:                        ipv6AddrPrefixLength }
 649:              ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixTable 1 }
 651:          Ipv6AddrPrefixEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
 652:               ipv6AddrPrefix                     Ipv6AddressPrefix,
 653:               ipv6AddrPrefixLength               INTEGER (0..128),
 653: error - subtyping not allowed
 654:               ipv6AddrPrefixOnLinkFlag           TruthValue,
 655:               ipv6AddrPrefixAutonomousFlag       TruthValue,
 656:               ipv6AddrPrefixAdvPreferredLifetime Unsigned32,
 657:               ipv6AddrPrefixAdvValidLifetime     Unsigned32
 658:              }
 660:          ipv6AddrPrefix OBJECT-TYPE
 661:              SYNTAX      Ipv6AddressPrefix
 662:              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 663:              STATUS      current
 664:              DESCRIPTION
 665:                "The prefix associated with the this interface."
 666:              ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixEntry 1 }
 668:          ipv6AddrPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
 669:              SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..128)
 669: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
 670:              UNITS       "bits"
 671:              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 672:              STATUS      current
 673:              DESCRIPTION
 674:                "The length of the prefix (in bits)."
 675:              ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixEntry 2 }
 677:          ipv6AddrPrefixOnLinkFlag OBJECT-TYPE
 678:              SYNTAX      TruthValue
 679:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 680:              STATUS      current
 681:              DESCRIPTION
 682:                "This object has the value 'true(1)', if this
 683:                prefix can be used  for on-link determination
 684:                and the value 'false(2)' otherwise."
 685:              ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixEntry 3 }
 687:          ipv6AddrPrefixAutonomousFlag OBJECT-TYPE
 688:              SYNTAX      TruthValue
 689:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 690:              STATUS      current
 691:              DESCRIPTION
 692:                "Autonomous address configuration flag. When
 693:                true(1), indicates that this prefix can be used
 694:                for autonomous address configuration (i.e. can
 695:                be used to form a local interface address).
 696:                If false(2), it is not used to autoconfigure
 697:                a local interface address."
 698:              ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixEntry 4 }
 700:          ipv6AddrPrefixAdvPreferredLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
 701:              SYNTAX      Unsigned32
 702:              UNITS       "seconds"
 703:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 704:              STATUS      current
 705:              DESCRIPTION
 706:                 "It is the length of time in seconds that this
 707:                 prefix will remain preferred, i.e. time until
 708:                 deprecation.  A value of 4,294,967,295 represents
 709:                 infinity.
 711:                 The address generated from a deprecated prefix
 712:                 should no longer be used as a source address in
 713:                 new communications, but packets received on such
 714:                 an interface are processed as expected."
 715:              ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixEntry 5 }
 717:          ipv6AddrPrefixAdvValidLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
 718:              SYNTAX      Unsigned32
 719:              UNITS       "seconds"
 720:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 721:              STATUS      current
 722:              DESCRIPTION
 723:                "It is the length of time in seconds that this
 724:                prefix will remain valid, i.e. time until
 725:                invalidation.  A value of 4,294,967,295 represents
 726:                infinity.
 728:                The address generated from an invalidated prefix
 729:                should not appear as the destination or source
 730:                address of a packet."
 731:              ::= { ipv6AddrPrefixEntry 6 }
 734:          -- the IPv6 Address table
 736:          -- The IPv6 address table contains this node's IPv6
 737:          -- addressing information.
 739:          ipv6AddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
 740:             SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Ipv6AddrEntry
 741:             MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 742:             STATUS      current
 743:             DESCRIPTION
 744:               "The table of addressing information relevant to
 745:               this node's interface addresses."
 746:             ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 8 }
 748:          ipv6AddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 749:             SYNTAX      Ipv6AddrEntry
 750:             MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 751:             STATUS      current
 752:             DESCRIPTION
 753:                 "The addressing information for one of this
 754:                 node's interface addresses."
 755:             INDEX   { ipv6IfIndex, ipv6AddrAddress }
 756:             ::= { ipv6AddrTable 1 }
 758:          Ipv6AddrEntry ::=
 759:             SEQUENCE {
 760:                  ipv6AddrAddress        Ipv6Address,
 761:                  ipv6AddrPfxLength      INTEGER,
 762:                  ipv6AddrType           INTEGER,
 763:                  ipv6AddrAnycastFlag    TruthValue,
 764:                  ipv6AddrStatus         INTEGER
 765:                 }
 767:          ipv6AddrAddress OBJECT-TYPE
 768:             SYNTAX      Ipv6Address
 769:             MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 770:             STATUS      current
 771:             DESCRIPTION
 772:               "The IPv6 address to which this entry's addressing
 773:               information pertains."
 774:             ::= { ipv6AddrEntry 1 }
 776:          ipv6AddrPfxLength OBJECT-TYPE
 777:             SYNTAX      INTEGER(0..128)
 777: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
 778:             UNITS       "bits"
 779:             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 780:             STATUS      current
 781:             DESCRIPTION
 782:               "The length of the prefix (in bits) associated with
 783:               the IPv6 address of this entry."
 784:             ::= { ipv6AddrEntry 2 }
 786:          ipv6AddrType OBJECT-TYPE
 787:             SYNTAX      INTEGER {
 788:                                 -- address has been formed
 789:                                 -- using stateless
 790:                  stateless(1),  -- autoconfiguration
 792:                                 -- address has been acquired
 793:                                 -- by stateful means
 794:                                 -- (e.g. DHCPv6, manual
 795:                  stateful(2),   -- configuration)
 796:                                 -- type can not be determined
 797:                  unknown(3)     -- for some reason.
 798:                }
 799:             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 800:             STATUS      current
 801:             DESCRIPTION
 802:                "The type of address. Note that 'stateless(1)'
 803:                refers to an address that was statelessly
 804:                autoconfigured; 'stateful(2)' refers to a address
 805:                which was acquired by via a stateful protocol
 806:                (e.g. DHCPv6, manual configuration)."
 807:             ::= { ipv6AddrEntry 3 }
 809:          ipv6AddrAnycastFlag OBJECT-TYPE
 810:              SYNTAX      TruthValue
 811:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 812:              STATUS      current
 813:              DESCRIPTION
 814:                "This object has the value 'true(1)', if this
 815:                address is an anycast address and the value
 816:                'false(2)' otherwise."
 817:              ::= { ipv6AddrEntry 4 }
 819:          ipv6AddrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
 820:             SYNTAX      INTEGER {
 821:                      preferred(1),
 823:                      deprecated(2),
 825:                      invalid(3),
 827:                      inaccessible(4),
 829:                      unknown(5)   -- status can not be determined
 830:                                   -- for some reason.
 831:                     }
 832:             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 833:             STATUS      current
 834:             DESCRIPTION
 835:               "Address status.  The preferred(1) state indicates
 836:               that this is a valid address that can appear as
 837:               the destination or source address of a packet.
 838:               The deprecated(2) state indicates that this is
 839:               a valid but deprecated address that should no longer
 840:               be used as a source address in new communications,
 841:               but packets addressed to such an address are
 842:               processed as expected. The invalid(3) state indicates
 843:               that this is not valid address which should not
 844:               appear as the destination or source address of
 845:               a packet. The inaccessible(4) state indicates that
 846:               the address is not accessible because the interface
 847:               to which this address is assigned is not operational."
 848:             ::= { ipv6AddrEntry 5 }
 851:          -- IPv6 Routing objects
 853:          ipv6RouteNumber OBJECT-TYPE
 854:              SYNTAX      Gauge32
 855:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 856:              STATUS      current
 857:              DESCRIPTION
 858:                "The number of current ipv6RouteTable entries.
 859:                This is primarily to avoid having to read
 860:                the table in order to determine this number."
 861:              ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 9 }
 863:          ipv6DiscardedRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
 864:              SYNTAX      Counter32
 865:              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 866:              STATUS      current
 867:              DESCRIPTION
 868:                "The number of routing entries which were chosen
 869:                 to be discarded even though they are valid.  One
 870:                 possible reason for discarding such an entry could
 871:                 be to free-up buffer space for other routing
 872:                 entries."
 873:              ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 10 }
 876:          -- IPv6 Routing table
 878:          ipv6RouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
 879:              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Ipv6RouteEntry
 880:              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
 881:              STATUS     current
 882:              DESCRIPTION
 883:                "IPv6 Routing table. This table contains
 884:                an entry for each valid IPv6 unicast route
 885:                that can be used for packet forwarding
 886:                determination."
 887:              ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 11 }
 889:          ipv6RouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 890:              SYNTAX     Ipv6RouteEntry
 891:              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
 892:              STATUS     current
 893:              DESCRIPTION
 894:                      "A routing entry."
 895:              INDEX   { ipv6RouteDest,
 896:                        ipv6RoutePfxLength,
 897:                        ipv6RouteIndex }
 898:              ::= { ipv6RouteTable 1 }
 900:          Ipv6RouteEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
 901:                  ipv6RouteDest           Ipv6Address,
 902:                  ipv6RoutePfxLength      INTEGER,
 903:                  ipv6RouteIndex          Unsigned32,
 904:                  ipv6RouteIfIndex        Ipv6IfIndexOrZero,
 905:                  ipv6RouteNextHop        Ipv6Address,
 906:                  ipv6RouteType           INTEGER,
 907:                  ipv6RouteProtocol       INTEGER,
 908:                  ipv6RoutePolicy         Integer32,
 909:                  ipv6RouteAge            Unsigned32,
 910:                  ipv6RouteNextHopRDI     Unsigned32,
 911:                  ipv6RouteMetric         Unsigned32,
 912:                  ipv6RouteWeight         Unsigned32,
 913:                  ipv6RouteInfo           RowPointer,
 914:                  ipv6RouteValid          TruthValue
 915:              }
 917:          ipv6RouteDest OBJECT-TYPE
 918:              SYNTAX     Ipv6Address
 919:              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
 920:              STATUS     current
 921:              DESCRIPTION
 922:                "The destination IPv6 address of this route.
 923:                This object may not take a Multicast address
 924:                value."
 925:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 1 }
 927:          ipv6RoutePfxLength OBJECT-TYPE
 928:              SYNTAX     INTEGER(0..128)
 928: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
 929:              UNITS      "bits"
 930:              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
 931:              STATUS     current
 932:              DESCRIPTION
 933:                "Indicates the prefix length of the destination
 934:                address."
 935:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 2 }
 937:          ipv6RouteIndex OBJECT-TYPE
 938:              SYNTAX     Unsigned32
 939:              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
 940:              STATUS     current
 941:              DESCRIPTION
 942:                "The value which uniquely identifies the route
 943:                among the routes to the same network layer
 944:                destination.  The way this value is chosen is
 945:                implementation specific but it must be unique for
 946:                ipv6RouteDest/ipv6RoutePfxLength pair and remain
 947:                constant for the life of the route."
 948:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 3 }
 950:          ipv6RouteIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
 951:              SYNTAX     Ipv6IfIndexOrZero
 952:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
 953:              STATUS     current
 954:              DESCRIPTION
 955:                "The index value which uniquely identifies the local
 956:                interface through which the next hop of this
 957:                route should be reached.  The interface identified
 958:                by a particular value of this index is the same
 959:                interface as identified by the same value of
 960:                ipv6IfIndex.  For routes of the discard type this
 961:                value can be zero."
 962:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 4 }
 964:          ipv6RouteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
 965:              SYNTAX     Ipv6Address
 966:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
 967:              STATUS     current
 968:              DESCRIPTION
 969:                "On remote routes, the address of the next
 970:                system en route;  otherwise, ::0
 971:                ('00000000000000000000000000000000'H in ASN.1
 972:                string representation)."
 973:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 5 }
 975:          ipv6RouteType OBJECT-TYPE
 976:              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
 977:                 other(1),     -- none of the following
 979:                               -- an route indicating that
 980:                               -- packets to destinations
 981:                               -- matching this route are
 982:                 discard(2),   -- to be discarded
 984:                               -- route to directly
 985:                 local(3),     -- connected (sub-)network
 987:                               -- route to a remote
 989:                 remote(4)     -- destination
 991:              }
 992:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
 993:              STATUS     current
 994:              DESCRIPTION
 995:                 "The type of route. Note that 'local(3)' refers
 996:                 to a route for which the next hop is the final
 997:                 destination; 'remote(4)' refers to a route for
 998:                 which  the  next  hop is not the final
 999:                 destination; 'discard(2)' refers to a route
1000:                 indicating that packets to destinations matching
1001:                 this route are to be discarded (sometimes called
1002:                 black-hole route)."
1003:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 6 }
1005:          ipv6RouteProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
1006:              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
1007:                other(1),   -- none of the following
1009:                            -- non-protocol information,
1010:                            -- e.g., manually configured
1011:                local(2),   -- entries
1013:                netmgmt(3), -- static route
1015:                            -- obtained via Neighbor
1016:                            -- Discovery protocol,
1017:                ndisc(4),   -- e.g., result of Redirect
1019:                            -- the following are all
1020:                            -- dynamic routing protocols
1021:                rip(5),     -- RIPng
1022:                ospf(6),    -- Open Shortest Path First
1023:                bgp(7),     -- Border Gateway Protocol
1024:                idrp(8),    -- InterDomain Routing Protocol
1025:                igrp(9)     -- InterGateway Routing Protocol
1026:              }
1027:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
1028:              STATUS     current
1029:              DESCRIPTION
1030:                "The routing mechanism via which this route was
1031:                learned."
1032:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 7 }
1034:          ipv6RoutePolicy OBJECT-TYPE
1035:              SYNTAX     Integer32
1036:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
1037:              STATUS     current
1038:              DESCRIPTION
1039:               "The general set of conditions that would cause the
1040:               selection of one multipath route (set of next hops
1041:               for a given destination) is referred to as 'policy'.
1042:               Unless the mechanism indicated by ipv6RouteProtocol
1043:               specified otherwise, the policy specifier is the
1044:               8-bit Traffic Class field of the IPv6 packet header
1045:               that is zero extended at the left to a 32-bit value.
1047:               Protocols defining 'policy' otherwise must either
1048:               define a set of values which are valid for
1049:               this object or must implement an integer-
1050:               instanced  policy table for which this object's
1051:               value acts as an index."
1052:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 8 }
1054:          ipv6RouteAge OBJECT-TYPE
1055:              SYNTAX     Unsigned32
1056:              UNITS      "seconds"
1057:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
1058:              STATUS     current
1059:              DESCRIPTION
1060:                 "The number of seconds since this route was last
1061:                 updated or otherwise determined to be correct.
1062:                 Note that no semantics of `too old' can be implied
1063:                 except through knowledge of the routing protocol
1064:                 by which the route was learned."
1065:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 9 }
1067:          ipv6RouteNextHopRDI OBJECT-TYPE
1068:              SYNTAX     Unsigned32
1069:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
1070:              STATUS     current
1071:              DESCRIPTION
1072:                 "The Routing Domain ID of the Next Hop.
1073:                 The  semantics of this object are determined by
1074:                 the routing-protocol specified in  the  route's
1075:                 ipv6RouteProtocol value.   When  this object is
1076:                 unknown or not relevant its value should be set
1077:                 to zero."
1078:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 10 }
1080:          ipv6RouteMetric OBJECT-TYPE
1081:              SYNTAX     Unsigned32
1082:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
1083:              STATUS     current
1084:              DESCRIPTION
1085:                 "The routing metric for this route. The
1086:                 semantics of this metric are determined by the
1087:                 routing protocol specified in the route's
1088:                 ipv6RouteProtocol value.  When this is unknown
1089:                 or not relevant to the protocol indicated by
1090:                 ipv6RouteProtocol, the object value should be
1091:                 set to its maximum value (4,294,967,295)."
1092:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 11 }
1094:          ipv6RouteWeight OBJECT-TYPE
1095:              SYNTAX     Unsigned32
1096:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
1097:              STATUS     current
1098:              DESCRIPTION
1099:                 "The system internal weight value for this route.
1100:                 The semantics of this value are determined by
1101:                 the implementation specific rules. Generally,
1102:                 within routes with the same ipv6RoutePolicy value,
1103:                 the lower the weight value the more preferred is
1104:                 the route."
1105:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 12 }
1107:          ipv6RouteInfo OBJECT-TYPE
1108:              SYNTAX     RowPointer
1109:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
1110:              STATUS     current
1111:              DESCRIPTION
1112:                 "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the
1113:                 particular routing protocol which is responsible
1114:                 for this route, as determined by the  value
1115:                 specified  in the route's ipv6RouteProto value.
1116:                 If this information is not present,  its  value
1117:                 should be set to the OBJECT ID { 0 0 },
1118:                 which is a syntactically valid object  identifier,
1119:                 and any implementation conforming to ASN.1
1120:                 and the Basic Encoding Rules must  be  able  to
1121:                 generate and recognize this value."
1122:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 13 }
1124:          ipv6RouteValid OBJECT-TYPE
1125:              SYNTAX     TruthValue
1126:              MAX-ACCESS read-write
1127:              STATUS     current
1128:              DESCRIPTION
1129:                 "Setting this object to the value 'false(2)' has
1130:                 the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry
1131:                 in the ipv6RouteTable object.  That is, it
1132:                 effectively disassociates the destination
1133:                 identified with said entry from the route
1134:                 identified with said entry.  It is an
1135:                 implementation-specific matter as to whether the
1136:                 agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
1137:                 Accordingly, management stations must be prepared
1138:                 to receive tabular information from agents that
1139:                 corresponds to entries not currently in use.
1140:                 Proper interpretation of such entries requires
1141:                 examination of the relevant ipv6RouteValid
1142:                 object."
1143:              DEFVAL  { true }
1144:              ::= { ipv6RouteEntry 14 }
1147:          -- IPv6 Address Translation table
1149:          ipv6NetToMediaTable OBJECT-TYPE
1150:              SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Ipv6NetToMediaEntry
1151:              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1152:              STATUS      current
1153:              DESCRIPTION
1154:                "The IPv6 Address Translation table used for
1155:                mapping from IPv6 addresses to physical addresses.
1157:                The IPv6 address translation table contain the
1158:                Ipv6Address to `physical' address equivalencies.
1159:                Some interfaces do not use translation tables
1160:                for determining address equivalencies; if all
1161:                interfaces are of this type, then the Address
1162:                Translation table is empty, i.e., has zero
1163:                entries."
1164:              ::= { ipv6MIBObjects 12 }
1166:          ipv6NetToMediaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1167:              SYNTAX     Ipv6NetToMediaEntry
1168:              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1169:              STATUS     current
1170:              DESCRIPTION
1171:                "Each entry contains one IPv6 address to `physical'
1172:                address equivalence."
1173:              INDEX   { ipv6IfIndex,
1174:                        ipv6NetToMediaNetAddress }
1175:              ::= { ipv6NetToMediaTable 1 }
1177:          Ipv6NetToMediaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1178:                  ipv6NetToMediaNetAddress
1179:                      Ipv6Address,
1180:                  ipv6NetToMediaPhysAddress
1181:                      PhysAddress,
1182:                  ipv6NetToMediaType
1183:                      INTEGER,
1184:                  ipv6IfNetToMediaState
1185:                      INTEGER,
1186:                  ipv6IfNetToMediaLastUpdated
1187:                      TimeStamp,
1188:                  ipv6NetToMediaValid
1189:                      TruthValue
1190:              }
1192:          ipv6NetToMediaNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
1193:              SYNTAX     Ipv6Address
1194:              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1195:              STATUS     current
1196:              DESCRIPTION
1197:                 "The IPv6 Address corresponding to
1198:                 the media-dependent `physical' address."
1199:              ::= { ipv6NetToMediaEntry 1 }
1201:          ipv6NetToMediaPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
1202:              SYNTAX     PhysAddress
1203:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
1204:              STATUS     current
1205:              DESCRIPTION
1206:                "The media-dependent `physical' address."
1207:              ::= { ipv6NetToMediaEntry 2 }
1209:          ipv6NetToMediaType OBJECT-TYPE
1210:              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
1211:                          other(1),    -- none of the following
1212:                          dynamic(2),  -- dynamically resolved
1213:                          static(3),   -- statically configured
1214:                          local(4)     -- local interface
1215:                         }
1216:              MAX-ACCESS read-only
1217:              STATUS     current
1218:              DESCRIPTION
1219:                      "The type of the mapping. The 'dynamic(2)' type
1220:                      indicates that the IPv6 address to physical
1221:                      addresses mapping has been dynamically
1222:                      resolved using the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
1223:                      protocol. The static(3)' types indicates that
1224:                      the mapping has been statically configured.
1225:                      The local(4) indicates that the mapping is
1226:                      provided for an entity's own interface address."
1227:              ::= { ipv6NetToMediaEntry 3 }
1229:         ipv6IfNetToMediaState OBJECT-TYPE
1230:             SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1231:                      reachable(1), -- confirmed reachability
1233:                      stale(2),     -- unconfirmed reachability
1235:                      delay(3),     -- waiting for reachability
1236:                                    -- confirmation before entering
1237:                                    -- the probe state
1239:                      probe(4),     -- actively probing
1241:                      invalid(5),   -- an invalidated mapping
1243:                      unknown(6)    -- state can not be determined
1244:                                    -- for some reason.
1245:                     }
1246:             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1247:             STATUS      current
1248:             DESCRIPTION
1249:                 "The Neighbor Unreachability Detection [8] state
1250:                 for the interface when the address mapping in
1251:                 this entry is used."
1252:             ::= { ipv6NetToMediaEntry 4 }
1254:         ipv6IfNetToMediaLastUpdated OBJECT-TYPE
1255:             SYNTAX      TimeStamp
1256:             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1257:             STATUS      current
1258:             DESCRIPTION
1259:                 "The value of sysUpTime at the time this entry
1260:                 was last updated.  If this entry was updated prior
1261:                 to the last re-initialization of the local network
1262:                 management subsystem, then this object contains
1263:                 a zero value."
1264:             ::= { ipv6NetToMediaEntry 5 }
1266:          ipv6NetToMediaValid OBJECT-TYPE
1267:              SYNTAX     TruthValue
1268:              MAX-ACCESS read-write
1269:              STATUS     current
1270:              DESCRIPTION
1271:               "Setting this object to the value 'false(2)' has
1272:               the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry
1273:               in the ipv6NetToMediaTable.  That is, it effectively
1274:               disassociates the interface identified with said
1275:               entry from the mapping identified with said entry.
1276:               It is an implementation-specific matter as to
1277:               whether the agent removes an invalidated entry
1278:               from the table.  Accordingly, management stations
1279:               must be prepared to receive tabular information
1280:               from agents that corresponds to entries not
1281:               currently in use.  Proper interpretation of such
1282:               entries requires examination of the relevant
1283:               ipv6NetToMediaValid object."
1284:              DEFVAL  { true }
1285:              ::= { ipv6NetToMediaEntry 6 }
1288:         -- definition of IPv6-related notifications.
1289:         -- Note that we need ipv6NotificationPrefix with the 0
1290:         -- sub-identifier to make this MIB to translate to
1291:         -- an SNMPv1 format in a reversible way. For example
1292:         -- it is needed for proxies that convert SNMPv1 traps
1293:         -- to SNMPv2 notifications without MIB knowledge.
1295:         ipv6Notifications      OBJECT IDENTIFIER
1296:              ::= { ipv6MIB 2 }
1297:         ipv6NotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER
1298:              ::= { ipv6Notifications 0 }
1300:         ipv6IfStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1301:              OBJECTS {
1302:                       ipv6IfDescr,
1303:                       ipv6IfOperStatus -- the new state of the If.
1304:                      }
1305:              STATUS             current
1306:              DESCRIPTION
1307:                 "An ipv6IfStateChange notification signifies
1308:                 that there has been a change in the state of
1309:                 an ipv6 interface.  This notification should
1310:                 be generated when the interface's operational
1311:                 status transitions to or from the up(1) state."
1313:              ::= { ipv6NotificationPrefix 1 }
1316:         -- conformance information
1318:         ipv6Conformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6MIB 3 }
1320:         ipv6Compliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6Conformance 1 }
1321:         ipv6Groups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipv6Conformance 2 }
1323:         -- compliance statements
1324:         ipv6Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
1325:             STATUS  current
1326:             DESCRIPTION
1327:               "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities which
1328:               implement ipv6 MIB."
1329:             MODULE  -- this module
1330:                 MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipv6GeneralGroup,
1331:                                    ipv6NotificationGroup }
1332:                   OBJECT    ipv6Forwarding
1333:                     MIN-ACCESS  read-only
1334:                     DESCRIPTION
1335:                        "An agent is not required to provide write
1336:                         access to this object"
1337:                   OBJECT    ipv6DefaultHopLimit
1338:                     MIN-ACCESS  read-only
1339:                     DESCRIPTION
1340:                        "An agent is not required to provide write
1341:                         access to this object"
1342:                   OBJECT    ipv6IfDescr
1343:                     MIN-ACCESS  read-only
1344:                     DESCRIPTION
1345:                        "An agent is not required to provide write
1346:                         access to this object"
1347:                   OBJECT    ipv6IfIdentifier
1348:                     MIN-ACCESS  read-only
1349:                     DESCRIPTION
1350:                        "An agent is not required to provide write
1351:                         access to this object"
1352:                   OBJECT    ipv6IfIdentifierLength
1353:                     MIN-ACCESS  read-only
1354:                     DESCRIPTION
1355:                        "An agent is not required to provide write
1356:                         access to this object"
1358:                   OBJECT    ipv6IfAdminStatus
1359:                     MIN-ACCESS  read-only
1360:                     DESCRIPTION
1361:                        "An agent is not required to provide write
1362:                         access to this object"
1363:                   OBJECT    ipv6RouteValid
1364:                     MIN-ACCESS  read-only
1365:                     DESCRIPTION
1366:                        "An agent is not required to provide write
1367:                         access to this object"
1368:                   OBJECT    ipv6NetToMediaValid
1369:                     MIN-ACCESS  read-only
1370:                     DESCRIPTION
1371:                        "An agent is not required to provide write
1372:                         access to this object"
1373:             ::= { ipv6Compliances 1 }
1375:         ipv6GeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1376:             OBJECTS { ipv6Forwarding,
1377:                       ipv6DefaultHopLimit,
1378:                       ipv6Interfaces,
1379:                       ipv6IfTableLastChange,
1380:                       ipv6IfDescr,
1381:                       ipv6IfLowerLayer,
1382:                       ipv6IfEffectiveMtu,
1383:                       ipv6IfReasmMaxSize,
1384:                       ipv6IfIdentifier,
1385:                       ipv6IfIdentifierLength,
1386:                       ipv6IfPhysicalAddress,
1387:                       ipv6IfAdminStatus,
1388:                       ipv6IfOperStatus,
1389:                       ipv6IfLastChange,
1390:                       ipv6IfStatsInReceives,
1391:                       ipv6IfStatsInHdrErrors,
1392:                       ipv6IfStatsInTooBigErrors,
1393:                       ipv6IfStatsInNoRoutes,
1394:                       ipv6IfStatsInAddrErrors,
1395:                       ipv6IfStatsInUnknownProtos,
1396:                       ipv6IfStatsInTruncatedPkts,
1397:                       ipv6IfStatsInDiscards,
1398:                       ipv6IfStatsInDelivers,
1399:                       ipv6IfStatsOutForwDatagrams,
1400:                       ipv6IfStatsOutRequests,
1401:                       ipv6IfStatsOutDiscards,
1402:                       ipv6IfStatsOutFragOKs,
1403:                       ipv6IfStatsOutFragFails,
1404:                       ipv6IfStatsOutFragCreates,
1405:                       ipv6IfStatsReasmReqds,
1406:                       ipv6IfStatsReasmOKs,
1407:                       ipv6IfStatsReasmFails,
1408:                       ipv6IfStatsInMcastPkts,
1409:                       ipv6IfStatsOutMcastPkts,
1410:                       ipv6AddrPrefixOnLinkFlag,
1411:                       ipv6AddrPrefixAutonomousFlag,
1412:                       ipv6AddrPrefixAdvPreferredLifetime,
1413:                       ipv6AddrPrefixAdvValidLifetime,
1414:                       ipv6AddrPfxLength,
1415:                       ipv6AddrType,
1416:                       ipv6AddrAnycastFlag,
1417:                       ipv6AddrStatus,
1418:                       ipv6RouteNumber,
1419:                       ipv6DiscardedRoutes,
1420:                       ipv6RouteIfIndex,
1421:                       ipv6RouteNextHop,
1422:                       ipv6RouteType,
1423:                       ipv6RouteProtocol,
1424:                       ipv6RoutePolicy,
1425:                       ipv6RouteAge,
1426:                       ipv6RouteNextHopRDI,
1427:                       ipv6RouteMetric,
1428:                       ipv6RouteWeight,
1429:                       ipv6RouteInfo,
1430:                       ipv6RouteValid,
1431:                       ipv6NetToMediaPhysAddress,
1432:                       ipv6NetToMediaType,
1433:                       ipv6IfNetToMediaState,
1434:                       ipv6IfNetToMediaLastUpdated,
1435:                       ipv6NetToMediaValid }
1436:             STATUS    current
1437:             DESCRIPTION
1438:                  "The IPv6 group of objects providing for basic
1439:                   management of IPv6 entities."
1440:             ::= { ipv6Groups 1 }
1442:         ipv6NotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
1443:             NOTIFICATIONS { ipv6IfStateChange }
1444:             STATUS    current
1445:             DESCRIPTION
1446:                  "The notification that an IPv6 entity is required
1447:                   to implement."
1450:             ::= { ipv6Groups 2 }
1452:          END
1454: -- 
1455: --    Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1997).  All Rights Reserved.
1456: -- 
1457: --    This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
1458: --    others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
1459: --    or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
1460: --    and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
1461: --    kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
1462: --    included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
1463: --    document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
1464: --    the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
1465: --    Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
1466: --    developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
1467: --    copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
1468: --    followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
1469: --    English.
1470: -- 
1471: --    The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
1472: --    revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
1473: -- 
1474: --    This document and the information contained herein is provided on an