smilint output for ./DVBRCS-MIB

Message Severities
minor error9
change recommended31
Message Types
basetype-not-imported (error)95
basetype-unknown (error)1
char-illegal-string (error)1
defval-syntax (error)2
group-membership (change recommended)31
hyphen-in-object (warning)4
import-unused (warning)2
index-element-accessible (warning)9
index-element-no-range (error)4
integer-misuse (warning)12
internal-flushing (warning)28
internal-other (severe)29
lexical (severe)79
macro-not-imported (error)162
object-identifier-unknown (severe)28
refinement-not-listed (minor error)6
sequence-no-column (minor error)3
sequence-order (warning)1
type-unknown (error)1
underscore-in-identifier (error)1



   1: -- extracted from draft-combes-ipdvb-mib-rcs-01.txt
   2: -- at Fri Jul 13 06:08:49 2007
   6:    IMPORTS 
   7:      MODULE-IDENTITY, transmission, NOTIFICATION-TYPE 
   7: warning - warning: identifier `NOTIFICATION-TYPE' imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI' is never used
   8:                            FROM SNMPv2-SMI 
   9:      TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, 
  10:           PhysAddress, RowStatus    FROM SNMPv2-TC; 
  10: warning - warning: identifier `PhysAddress' imported from module `SNMPv2-TC' is never used
  12:    dvbrcsMIB MODULE-IDENTITY 
  13:        LAST-UPDATED "200707061200Z" 
  14:        ORGANIZATION "The SatLabs Group" 
  15:        CONTACT-INFO 
  16:               "The SatLabs Group  
  17:                Web: 
  18:                E-mail:      " 
  19:           DESCRIPTION 
  20:                  "DVB-RCS MIB subtree. Draft version B." 
  21:           REVISION "200707061200Z"  
  22:           DESCRIPTION 
  23:                  "Draft revision B of this MIB module." 
  25:            ::= { transmission 239 }            
  27:    =================================================================== 
  27: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
  28:    -- Textual Conventions 
  29:    =================================================================== 
  29: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
  31:    SatLabsOptionMap ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION 
  33:      STATUS current 
  35:      DESCRIPTION    "This textual convention enumerates the declaration 
  36:    of the SatLabs defined options. 
  37:                (0) refers to the most significant bit." 
  39:      REFERENCE "SatLabs System Recommendation version 2 available at 
  42:      SYNTAX BITS    { 
  43:                mpegTrf(0), 
  44:                coarseSync(1), 
  45:                wideHop(2), 
  46:                fastHop(3), 
  47:                dynamicMfTdma(4), 
  48:                routeId(5), 
  49:                contentionSync(6), 
  50:                qpskLow(7), 
  51:                mod16Apsk(8), 
  52:                mod32Apsk(9), 
  53:                normalFec(10), 
  54:                multiTs(11), 
  55:                gsTs(12), 
  56:                enhQoS(13), 
  57:                pep(14), 
  58:                http(15), 
  59:                ftp(16), 
  60:                dhcp(17), 
  61:                dns(18), 
  62:                avbdcRep(19), 
  63:                chIdStrict(20), 
  64:                rcstPara(21), 
  65:                nlid(22), 
  66:                snmpAll(23), 
  67:                installLog(24), 
  68:                fwdLinkStatus(25), 
  69:                enhClassifier(26), 
  70:                spare1(27), 
  71:                spare2(28), 
  72:                spare3(29), 
  73:                spare4(30), 
  74:                spare5(31), 
  75:                }                            
  75: severe - syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting LOWERCASE_IDENTIFIER
  75: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
  77:    =================================================================== 
  77: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
  78:    -- object type definitions 
  79:    =================================================================== 
  79: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
  81:    dvbrcsMIBObjects      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dvbrcsMIB 1}                     
  82:    dvbrcsConformance     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dvbrcsMIB 2} 
  84:    rcst        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dvbrcsMIBObjects 1}                        
  85:    fwdLink     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dvbrcsMIBObjects 2}                        
  86:    rtnLink     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dvbrcsMIBObjects 3} 
  88:    rcstSystem            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {rcst 1}                          
  89:    rcstNetwork      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {rcst 2}                               
  90:    rcstInstall      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {rcst 3}                               
  91:    rcstQos          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {rcst 4} 
  92:    rcstControl      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {rcst 5} 
  93:    rcstState        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {rcst 6} 
  95:    fwdConfig        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {fwdLink 1} 
  96:    fwdStatus        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {fwdLink 2} 
  98:    rtnConfig        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {rtnLink 1} 
  99:    rtnStatus        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {rtnLink 2} 
 101:    =================================================================== 
 101: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 102:    -- rcstSystem sub-tree object types 
 103:    =================================================================== 
 103: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 105:    systemMibRevision     OBJECT-TYPE 
 105: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 105: change recommended -
warning: node `systemMibRevision' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 106:        SYNTAX              DisplayString 
 107:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
 108:        STATUS              current 
 109:        DESCRIPTION 
 110:            "This object allows the SNMP agent to report the implemented 
 111:    MIB module revision. 
 112:      The supported REVISION of this module is reported." 
 114:    ::= {rcstSystem 1} 
 116:    =================================================================== 
 116: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 117:    -- options declared according to the textual conventions 
 118:    =================================================================== 
 118: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 120:    systemSatlabsOptions  OBJECT-TYPE 
 120: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 120: error - type `SatLabsOptionMap' of node `systemSatlabsOptions' does not resolve to a known base type
 121:      SYNTAX         SatLabsOptionMap 
 122:      MAX-ACCESS     read-only 
 122: error - unknown type `SatLabsOptionMap'
 123:      STATUS         current 
 124:      DESCRIPTION     
 126:      "Indicates the options supported as defined in SatLabs system 
 127:    recommendations version 2. A value of 1 indicates that the 
 128:    respective option is supported. The mapping to the options is to be 
 129:    understood as described here. (0) refers to the most significant 
 130:    bit. 
 132:           mpegTrf(0) -> MPEG_TRF 
 133:           coarseSync(1) -> COARSE_SYNC 
 134:           wideHop(2) -> WIDE_HOPP 
 135:           fastHop(3) -> FAST_HOPP 
 136:           dynamicMfTdma(4) -> Dynamic_MF_TDMA 
 137:           routeId(5) -> ROUTE_ID 
 138:           contentionSync(6) -> CONTENTION_SYNC 
 139:           qpskLow(7) -> QPSKLOW 
 140:           mod16Apsk(8) -> 16APSK 
 141:           mod32Apsk(9) -> 32APSK 
 142:           normalFec(10) -> NORMALFEC 
 143:           multiTs(11) -> MULTITS 
 144:           gsTs(12) -> GSTS 
 145:           enhQoS(13) -> ENHQOS 
 146:           pep(14) -> PEP 
 147:           http(15) -> HTTP 
 148:           ftp(16) -> FTP 
 149:           dhcp(17) -> DHCP 
 150:           dns(18) -> DNS 
 151:           avbdcRep(19) -> AVBDC_REP 
 152:           chIdStrict(20) -> CHID_STRICT 
 153:           rcstPara(21) -> RCST_PARA 
 154:           nlid(22) -> NLID 
 155:           snmpAll(23) -> SNMPALL 
 156:           installLog(24) -> INSTALL_LOG 
 157:           fwdLinkStatus(25) -> FWDLINKSTATUS 
 158:           enhClassifier(26) -> ENHCLASSIFIER 
 160:      The support of specific options mandates the support of specific 
 161:    objects and access levels." 
 163:      REFERENCE "SatLabs System Recommendation version 2 available at 
 166:    ::= {rcstSystem 2} 
 168:    systemLocation        OBJECT-TYPE 
 168: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 169:        SYNTAX              DisplayString 
 170:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 171:        STATUS              current 
 172:        DESCRIPTION 
 173:            "The string shall have 31 characters in the following 
 174:    format: 
 176:             <>,<a>,<yyyyy.yyy>,<b>,<zzzz.z>,M 
 178:             where x, y and z represents digits, 
 179:             a=N or S, 
 180:             b=E or W, 
 182:             Reading the digits from left to right: 
 183:             'x' -                     - 7 latitude digits;  
 184:           x digits 1-2 contain the degrees,  
 185:           x digits 3-7 contain the minutes in decimal; 
 186:             'y' -                     - 8 longitude digits;  
 187:                y digits 1-3 contain the degrees,  
 188:                y digits 4-8 contain the minutes in decimal; 
 189:             'z' 5 altitude digits; meters above sea level in decimal; 
 190:             '.' is the decimal point; 
 191:             ',' is the field separator; 
 192:             'M' is the indicator for altitude meters. 
 194:              This format is a modified subset of the NMEA 0183 format 
 195:    for Global Positioning System Fix Data." 
 197:    ::= {rcstSystem 3} 
 199:    systemOduAntennaSize    OBJECT-TYPE 
 199: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 200:        SYNTAX              DisplayString 
 201:        UNITS               "cm" 
 202:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 203:        STATUS              current 
 204:        DESCRIPTION 
 205:            "This object gives the diameter of the antenna. This value  
 206:            shall be given in centimeters. It is defined at 
 207:    installation. The  
 208:            object can be used in conjunction with environmental 
 209:    requirements." 
 211:    ::= {rcstSystem 4} 
 213:    systemOduAntennaGain  OBJECT-TYPE 
 213: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 214:        SYNTAX              Integer32 
 215:        UNITS               "x0.1 dBi"  
 215: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 216:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 217:        STATUS              current 
 218:        DESCRIPTION 
 219:            "This field describes the antenna peak gain of the ODU and  
 220:            shall be defined by the installer. The gain shall be given  
 221:            in tenth of dBi for more flexibility, i.e. 46.5 dBi will be  
 222:            represented by 465. Defined at installation." 
 224:    ::= {rcstSystem 5} 
 226:    systemOduSspa    OBJECT-TYPE 
 226: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 227:        SYNTAX              Integer32 
 228:        UNITS        "x0.1 W"  
 228: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 229:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 230:        STATUS              current 
 231:        DESCRIPTION 
 232:            "This field describes the SSPA installed in the ODU and  
 233:            shall be defined by the installer. The power shall be given  
 234:            in tenth of Watt for more flexibility, i.e. 0,5 W will be  
 235:            represented by 5, 1 W by 10 and 2 W by 20.  
 236:            Defined at installation."           
 237:    ::= {rcstSystem 6} 
 240:    systemOduTxType  OBJECT-TYPE 
 240: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 241:        SYNTAX              DisplayString  
 242:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 243:        STATUS              current 
 244:        DESCRIPTION             
 245:            "Describes the type of transmitter installed in the ODU." 
 247:    ::= {rcstSystem 7} 
 250:    systemOduRxType  OBJECT-TYPE 
 250: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 251:        SYNTAX              DisplayString  
 252:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 253:        STATUS              current 
 254:        DESCRIPTION             
 255:            "Describes the type of LNB installed in the ODU, with  
 256:            information such as vendor type, ouput type (single, twin,  
 257:            quad,…), etc.. " 
 257: error - illegal character `…' (0x85) in quoted string
 259:    ::= {rcstSystem 8} 
 261:    systemOduRxBand  OBJECT-TYPE 
 261: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 262:        SYNTAX              INTEGER   { 
 263:                          oduHighRxBand (0), 
 264:                          oduLowRxBand  (1) 
 265:                     } 
 266:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 267:        STATUS              current 
 268:        DESCRIPTION   
 269:            "Describes whether High Band or Low Band is selected in  
 270:            the LNB. Specifying High Band results in activation of a  
 271:            18-26 kHz tone with 0.4-0.8 Vpp in the Rx IFL cable: 
 272:           (0)  - High Band 
 273:           (1)  - Low Band " 
 275:    ::= {rcstSystem 9} 
 277:    systemOduRxLO    OBJECT-TYPE 
 277: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 278:        SYNTAX              Integer32 
 279:        UNITS        "x100 Hz" 
 279: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 280:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 281:        STATUS              current 
 282:        DESCRIPTION    
 283:        " Frequency of LNB Local Oscillator (in 100 Hz)" 
 285:    ::= {rcstSystem 10} 
 288:    systemOduTxLO         OBJECT-TYPE 
 288: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 289:        SYNTAX              Integer32 
 290:        UNITS               "x100 Hz"  
 290: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 291:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 292:        STATUS              current 
 293:        DESCRIPTION    
 294:        "Frequency of BUC Local Oscillator (in 100 Hz) "           
 296:    ::= {rcstSystem 11} 
 299:    =================================================================== 
 299: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 300:    -- rcstInstall sub-tree object types 
 301:    =================================================================== 
 301: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 303:    installAntennaAlignmentState  OBJECT-TYPE 
 303: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 303: change recommended -
warning: node `installAntennaAlignmentState' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 304:        SYNTAX             INTEGER { 
 305:                     antennaAlignmentStart    (1), 
 306:                     antennaAlignmentDeny     (2), 
 307:                     antennaAlignmentContinue (3), 
 308:                     antennaAlignmentStop     (4), 
 309:                     antennaAlignmentSuccess  (5), 
 310:                     antennaAlignmentFail     (6) 
 311:                     } 
 312:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 313:        STATUS              current 
 314:        DESCRIPTION    
 315:        " Indicates the state:  
 316:           (1)-Start;  
 317:           (2)-Deny;  
 318:           (3)-Continue;  
 319:           (4)-Stop;  
 320:           (5)-Success;  
 321:           (6)-Fail"  
 322:      ::= {rcstInstall 1} 
 325:    installCwFrequency OBJECT-TYPE 
 325: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 325: change recommended -
warning: node `installCwFrequency' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 326:        SYNTAX              Integer32 
 327:        UNITS        "x100 Hz" 
 327: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 328:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 329:        STATUS              current 
 330:        DESCRIPTION    
 331:        "Frequency at which the carrier is put up (in 100 Hz).  
 332:        Minimum required precision is 1 kHz."       
 333:      ::= {rcstInstall 2} 
 336:    installCwMaxDuration OBJECT-TYPE 
 336: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 336: change recommended -
warning: node `installCwMaxDuration' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 337:        SYNTAX              Integer32 
 338:        UNITS        "seconds"  
 338: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 339:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 340:        STATUS              current 
 341:        DESCRIPTION    
 342:        "Time after which the carrier must be put down (in seconds)"    
 343:      ::= {rcstInstall 3} 
 345:    installCwPower   OBJECT-TYPE 
 345: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 346:        SYNTAX              Integer32 
 347:        UNITS        "x0.1 dBm"  
 347: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 348:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 349:        STATUS              current 
 350:        DESCRIPTION  
 351:       "Specified in tenth of dBm. This parameter allows for fine  
 352:       (manual) tuning of the power setup. Minimum required precision  
 353:       is 1 dBm. It must be configurable while CW signal is on. Once  
 354:       the power has been properly adjusted, the power setup is stored  
 355:       in rtnConfigDefIfLevel." 
 356:      ::= {rcstInstall 4} 
 359:    installCoPolReading OBJECT-TYPE 
 359: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 359: change recommended -
warning: node `installCoPolReading' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 360:        SYNTAX              Integer32 
 361:        UNITS        "x0.1 dB"  
 361: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 362:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 363:        STATUS              current 
 364:        DESCRIPTION  
 365:      "Co-Pol measured value (in 0.1 dB)"      
 366:      ::= {rcstInstall 5} 
 369:    installXPolReading    OBJECT-TYPE 
 369: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 369: change recommended -
warning: node `installXPolReading' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 370:        SYNTAX              Integer32  
 371:        UNITS        "x0.1 dB"  
 371: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 372:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 373:        STATUS              current 
 374:        DESCRIPTION  
 375:        "Cross-Pol measured value (in 0.1 dB)" 
 376:      ::= {rcstInstall 6} 
 378:    installCoPolTarget OBJECT-TYPE 
 378: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 378: change recommended -
warning: node `installCoPolTarget' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 379:        SYNTAX              Integer32  
 380:        UNITS        "x0.1 dB"  
 380: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 381:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 382:        STATUS              current 
 383:        DESCRIPTION  
 384:      "Co-Pol target (in 0.1 dB) " 
 385:      ::= {rcstInstall 7} 
 388:    installXPolTarget     OBJECT-TYPE 
 388: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 388: change recommended -
warning: node `installXPolTarget' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 389:        SYNTAX              Integer32  
 390:        UNITS        "x0.1 dB"  
 390: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 391:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 392:        STATUS              current 
 393:        DESCRIPTION  
 394:       "Cross-Pol target (in 0.1 dB)" 
 395:      ::= {rcstInstall 8} 
 398:    installStandByDurationOBJECT-TYPE 
 399:        SYNTAX              Integer32  
 399: warning - warning: object identifier name `installStandByDurationOBJECT-TYPE' should not include hyphens in SMIv2 MIB
 399: severe - syntax error, unexpected SYNTAX, expecting OBJECT
 400:        UNITS        "seconds"  
 401:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 402:        STATUS              current 
 403:        DESCRIPTION   
 404:      "Time to wait in stand-by mode (in seconds)"  
 405:       ::= {rcstInstall 9} 
 405: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
 408:    installTargetEsNoOBJECT-TYPE 
 409:        SYNTAX              Integer32(0..315)  
 409: warning - warning: object identifier name `installTargetEsNoOBJECT-TYPE' should not include hyphens in SMIv2 MIB
 409: severe - syntax error, unexpected SYNTAX, expecting OBJECT
 410:        UNITS        "x0.1 dB"  
 411:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 412:        STATUS              current 
 413:        DESCRIPTION  
 414:      "This value describes the wanted Es/N0 value that enables  
 415:      operation of the return link with the required error  
 416:      performance. The values shall be given in tenth of dB and  
 417:      the initial value shall be equal to 7 dB. The range shall be  
 418:      from 0 dBm to 31.5 dBm with a precision of 0.1 dB." 
 419:        DEFVAL       { 70 } 
 419: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
 420:       ::= {rcstInstall 10} 
 420: severe - syntax error, unexpected COLON_COLON_EQUAL
 420: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
 422:    =================================================================== 
 422: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 423:    -- rcstNetwork sub-tree object types 
 424:    =================================================================== 
 424: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 426:    networkOamIpAddr          OBJECT-TYPE 
 426: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 427:        SYNTAX              IpAddress 
 428:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 428: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 429:        STATUS              current 
 430:        DESCRIPTION   
 431:        "OAM IP Address of the RCST. This object used with both ip and  
 432:        interfaces MIB-II subgroups determines uniquely the interface  
 433:        through which OAM traffic is passing through.  
 434:        Note that the OAM IP address may be statically or dynamically  
 435:        assigned. It is system dependent whether the OAM IP address  
 436:        and the Traffic IP address are the same address." 
 437:        ::= {rcstNetwork 1} 
 440:    networkOamIpNetworkMask      OBJECT-TYPE 
 440: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 441:        SYNTAX              IpAddress 
 442:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 442: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 443:        STATUS              current 
 444:        DESCRIPTION   
 445:        "Network Mask for the OAM IP Address." 
 446:      ::= {rcstNetwork 2} 
 449:    networkOamIpAddrAssign     OBJECT-TYPE 
 449: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 450:        SYNTAX             INTEGER  { 
 451:                     oamIpAddressStatic  (1), 
 452:                     oamIpAddressDynamic (2) 
 453:                     } 
 454:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 455:        STATUS              current 
 456:        DESCRIPTION   
 457:      "Identifies whether the OAM IP address is statically  
 458:      ('static' - 1) or dynamically ('dynamic' - 2) assigned." 
 459:      ::= {rcstNetwork 3} 
 461:    networkLanIpAddress        OBJECT-TYPE 
 461: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 462:        SYNTAX              IpAddress 
 463:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 463: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 464:        STATUS              current 
 465:        DESCRIPTION                 
 466:        "IP address of the LAN interface" 
 467:        ::= {rcstNetwork 4} 
 469:    networkLanIpMask           OBJECT-TYPE 
 469: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 470:        SYNTAX              IpAddress 
 471:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 471: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 472:        STATUS              current 
 473:        DESCRIPTION   
 474:        "Mask for the LAN interface" 
 475:        ::= {rcstNetwork 5} 
 477:    networkAirInterfaceDefaultGateway   OBJECT-TYPE 
 477: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 477: change recommended -
warning: node `networkAirInterfaceDefaultGateway' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 478:        SYNTAX              IpAddress 
 479:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 479: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 480:        STATUS              current 
 481:        DESCRIPTION   
 482:      "Default Gateway for the air interface" 
 483:      ::= {rcstNetwork 6} 
 485:    networkDnsServerIpAddress    OBJECT-TYPE 
 485: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 486:        SYNTAX              IpAddress 
 487:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 487: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 488:        STATUS              current 
 489:        DESCRIPTION 
 490:        "IP address of the DNS server in the NCC."   
 491:      ::= {rcstNetwork 7} 
 493:    networkNccMgtIpAddress       OBJECT-TYPE 
 493: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 494:        SYNTAX              IpAddress 
 495:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 495: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 496:        STATUS              current 
 497:        DESCRIPTION                                
 498:        "IP address of the management server in the NCC." 
 499:    ::= {rcstNetwork 8} 
 501:    networkConfigFileDownloadUrl  OBJECT-TYPE 
 501: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 502:        SYNTAX              DisplayString 
 503:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 504:        STATUS              current 
 505:        DESCRIPTION               
 506:        "Full path name for the configuration file download.  
 507:        It includes the protocol type (tftp or ftp) and the  
 508:        associated server IP address or hostname. Hostname can  
 509:        only be used if DNS is supported by the RCST." 
 510:        ::= {rcstNetwork 9} 
 512:    networkInstallLogFileDownloadUrl    OBJECT-TYPE 
 512: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 513:        SYNTAX              DisplayString 
 514:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 515:        STATUS              current 
 516:        DESCRIPTION               
 517:        "Full path of the installation log file to download.  
 518:        It includes the protocol type (tftp or ftp) and the  
 519:        associated server IP address or hostname. Hostname can  
 520:        only be used if DNS is supported by the RCST. The installation  
 521:        log file can be created on the installer's computer  
 522:        and downloaded to the RCST." 
 523:        ::= {rcstNetwork 10} 
 525:    networkConfigFileUploadUrl   OBJECT-TYPE 
 525: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 526:        SYNTAX              DisplayString 
 527:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 528:        STATUS              current 
 529:        DESCRIPTION               
 530:        "Full path name for the configuration file upload.  
 531:        It includes the protocol type (tftp or ftp) and the  
 532:        associated server IP address or hostname.Hostname can  
 533:        only be used if DNS is supported by the RCST." 
 534:        ::= {rcstNetwork 11} 
 536:    networkLogFileUploadUrl        OBJECT-TYPE 
 536: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 537:        SYNTAX              DisplayString 
 538:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 539:        STATUS              current 
 540:        DESCRIPTION               
 541:        "Full path of the event log file. It includes the protocol  
 542:        type (tftp or ftp) and the associated server IP address  
 543:        or hostname. Hostname can only be used if DNS is supported  
 544:        by the RCST." 
 545:        ::= {rcstNetwork 12} 
 547:    networkInstallLogFileUploadUrl  OBJECT-TYPE 
 547: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 548:        SYNTAX              DisplayString 
 549:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 550:        STATUS              current 
 551:        DESCRIPTION               
 552:        "Full path of the installation log file. It includes the  
 553:        protocol type (tftp or ftp) and the associated server  
 554:        IP address or hostname. Hostname can only be used if DNS is  
 555:        supported by the RCST. The installation log file can be  
 556:        retrieved from the RCST by the NCC or by the installer  
 557:        via the LAN." 
 558:           ::= {rcstNetwork 13} 
 560:    =================================================================== 
 560: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 561:    --  rtnConfig sub-tree object types 
 562:    =================================================================== 
 562: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 563:    rtnconfigMaxEirp            OBJECT-TYPE 
 563: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 563: change recommended -
warning: node `rtnconfigMaxEirp' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 564:        SYNTAX              Integer32  
 565:        UNITS        "x0.1 dBm" 
 565: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 566:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 567:        STATUS              current 
 568:        DESCRIPTION  
 569:        "Maximum allowed EIRP in tenth of dBm on the return link."  
 570:      ::= {rtnConfig 1} 
 573:    rtnconfigDefIfLevel        OBJECT-TYPE 
 573: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 573: change recommended -
warning: node `rtnconfigDefIfLevel' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 574:        SYNTAX              Integer32  
 575:        UNITS        "x0.1 dBm" 
 575: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 576:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 577:        STATUS              current 
 578:        DESCRIPTION  
 579:        "Default transmitted IF power level, specified in tenth of dBm,  
 580:        out of the IDU for sending a CSC burst at RCST reboot or  
 581:        power on. Applies to all signals transmitted by RCST  
 582:        (CW and traffic) immediately." 
 583:    ::= {rtnConfig 2} 
 587:    =================================================================== 
 587: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 588:    -- rtnStatus sub-tree object types 
 589:    =================================================================== 
 589: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 592:    rtnstatusEbN0        OBJECT-TYPE 
 592: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 593:        SYNTAX              Integer32  
 594:        UNITS        "x0.1 dB" 
 594: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 595:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
 596:        STATUS              current 
 597:        DESCRIPTION  
 599:        "The EbN0 value reported for the return link, referenced to the 
 600:    regular SYNC burst transmission." 
 603:    ::= {rtnStatus 1} 
 606:    rtnstatusSFduration        OBJECT-TYPE 
 606: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 607:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (250..7500) 
 607: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 608:        UNITS        "0.1 ms" 
 609:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
 610:        STATUS              current 
 611:        DESCRIPTION  
 613:        "The duration of the currently applied return link super-frame 
 614:    structure, in tenths of milliseconds." 
 617:    ::= {rtnStatus 2} 
 620:    rtnstatusPayloadUnit        OBJECT-TYPE 
 620: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 621:        SYNTAX              INTEGER   { 
 622:                          unitATM    (0), 
 623:                          unitMPEG   (1) 
 624:                          } 
 625:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
 626:        STATUS              current 
 627:        DESCRIPTION  
 629:        "Indicates if the payload unit used for the return link is ATM 
 630:    or MPEG." 
 633:    ::= {rtnStatus 3} 
 635:    =================================================================== 
 635: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 636:    -- fwdConfig sub-tree object types 
 637:    =================================================================== 
 637: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 640:    fwdStartTable      OBJECT-TYPE 
 640: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 641:        SYNTAX              SEQUENCE OF FwdStartEntry 
 642:        MAX-ACCESS          not-accessible 
 643:        STATUS              current 
 644:        DESCRIPTION 
 645:            "Lists Forward Links attachment points (e.g. different for 
 646:    installation and operation). The table describes the forward link 
 647:    parameters used for the start-up stream with the NCC." 
 648:        ::={fwdConfig 1} 
 650:    fwdStartEntry        OBJECT-TYPE 
 650: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 650: warning - warning: index element `fwdStartIndex' of row `fwdStartEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB

 650: warning - warning: index element `fwdStartPopId' of row `fwdStartEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
 651:        SYNTAX            FwdStartEntry 
 652:        MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible 
 653:        STATUS            current 
 654:        DESCRIPTION 
 655:           "An entry in the Forward Link StartConfig table." 
 656:        INDEX   { fwdStartIndex, fwdStartPopId } 
 657:        ::= { fwdStartTable 1 } 
 659:    FwdStartEntry ::= SEQUENCE { 
 659: minor error - SEQUENCE element #8 `fwdStartInnerFec' is not a child node under `fwdStartEntry'
 659: minor error - SEQUENCE element #9 `fwdStartRowStatus' is not a child node under `fwdStartEntry'
 660:                     fwdStartIndex       Integer32,   
 660: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 661:                     fwdStartPopId       Integer32,   
 661: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 662:                fwdStartFrequency   Integer32, 
 662: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 663:                fwdStartPolar       INTEGER, 
 664:                fwdStartFormat      INTEGER, 
 665:                fwdStartRolloff     INTEGER, 
 666:                fwdStartSymbolRate       Integer32, 
 666: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 667:                fwdStartInnerFec         INTEGER, 
 667: severe - unknown object identifier label `fwdStartInnerFec'
 668:                fwdStartRowStatus        RowStatus 
 669:           }   
 671:    fwdStartIndex        OBJECT-TYPE 
 671: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 671: error -
index element `fwdStartIndex' of row `fwdStartEntry' must have a range restriction
 672:        SYNTAX              Integer32 
 673:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
 673: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 674:        STATUS              current 
 675:        DESCRIPTION 
 676:            "Table index." 
 677:        ::={fwdStartEntry 1} 
 680:    fwdStartPopId        OBJECT-TYPE 
 680: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 681:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (-1..65535) 
 681: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 682:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 683:        STATUS              current 
 684:        DESCRIPTION 
 685:            "Population identifier associated with the start-up  
 686:            forward link: 
 687:           -1: any (auto) 
 688:           0-65535: specific StartPopId 
 690:      If 'any' is set, the RCST will assume membership of any annonced 
 691:    population ID and will  
 692:      commence with logon in accordance with this assumption." 
 694:        ::={fwdStartEntry 2} 
 697:    fwdStartFrequency        OBJECT-TYPE 
 697: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 698:        SYNTAX              Integer32 
 699:        UNITS        "100 kHz"  
 699: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 700:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
 701:        STATUS              current 
 702:        DESCRIPTION 
 703:            "Frequency of the start transponder carrying a  
 704:            Network Information Table to which any RCST shall  
 705:            trigger to acquire forward link. ts value shall be given 
 706:            in multiple of 100 kHz." 
 707:        ::={fwdStartEntry 3}    
 709:    fwdStartPolar  OBJECT-TYPE 
 709: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 710:        SYNTAX              INTEGER   { 
 711:                          linearHorizontal (0), 
 712:                          linearVertical   (1), 
 713:                          circularLeft     (2), 
 714:                          circularRight    (3) 
 715:                          } 
 717:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
 718:        STATUS              current 
 719:        DESCRIPTION 
 720:        "2-bit field giving the polarization of the start transponder 
 721:        carrying an Network Information Table to which any RCST shall  
 722:        trigger to acquire forward link: 
 723:           00: linear and horizontal 
 724:           01: linear and vertical 
 725:           10: circular left 
 726:           11: circular right" 
 727:        ::={fwdStartEntry 4} 
 729:    fwdStartFormat    OBJECT-TYPE 
 729: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 730:        SYNTAX              INTEGER { 
 731:                                    auto      (-1), 
 732:                                    dvbs      (0), 
 733:                                    dvbs2     (1) 
 734:                                    } 
 735:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
 736:        STATUS              current 
 737:        DESCRIPTION 
 738:            "Specifies the transmission format standard applied for the 
 739:    start  
 740:            transport stream. The start transport stream carries a  
 741:            Network Information Table that the RCST uses for acquiring  
 742:            the forward link signaling. Supported values are: 
 744:           -1: unspecified     (automatic format acquisition is assumed) 
 745:           0: DVB-S            (mandatory if DVBS support is claimed) 
 746:           1: DVB-S2 CCM      (mandatory if CCM support is claimed) 
 747:           2: DVB-S2 ACM      (mandatory if ACM support is claimed) 
 749:      This allows the RCST to discriminate between CCM and ACM when 
 750:    selecting FL. 
 751:      The support of automatic format selection is optional. One or 
 752:    several of the other  
 753:      format selections must be supported, according to the claimed 
 754:    SatLabs profile support." 
 757:        ::={fwdStartEntry 5} 
 760:    fwdStartRolloff    OBJECT-TYPE 
 760: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 761:        SYNTAX              INTEGER { 
 762:                               autoRolloff    (0), 
 763:                               rolloff020     (1), 
 764:                               rolloff025     (2), 
 765:                               rolloff035     (3) 
 766:                                    } 
 767:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
 768:        STATUS              current 
 769:        DESCRIPTION 
 770:            "Specifies the roll-off applied on the start transponder.  
 771:            The start transponder carries a Network Information Table  
 772:            that the RCST uses for acquiring the forward link signaling. 
 773:      Supported values are: 
 774:                0: any (auto) 
 775:                1: 0.20 
 776:                2: 0.25 
 777:                3: 0.35 
 778:                4-n: reserved" 
 779:        ::={fwdStartEntry 6} 
 781:    fwdStartSymbolRate    OBJECT-TYPE 
 781: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 782:        SYNTAX              Integer32  
 783:        UNITS        "100 symbols/s"  
 783: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 784:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
 785:        STATUS              current 
 786:        DESCRIPTION 
 787:            "Specifies the symbol rate on the start transponder  
 788:            carrying a Network Information Table to which any RCST  
 789:            shall trigger to acquire forward link. Its value shall be  
 790:            given in multiple of 100 symbols/s." 
 791:        ::={fwdStartEntry 7}   
 793:    fwdStartInnerFec    OBJECT-TYPE 
 793: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 794:        SYNTAX              INTEGER     { 
 795:                     autoFec        (-1), 
 796:                     fecRate1/2     (0), 
 796: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 797:                     fecRate2/3     (1), 
 797: severe - syntax error, unexpected LOWERCASE_IDENTIFIER, expecting '('
 797: severe -
lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 798:                     fecRate3/4     (2), 
 798: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 799:                     fecRate5/6     (3), 
 799: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 800:                     fecRate7/8     (4), 
 800: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 801:                     fecRate8/9     (5), 
 801: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 802:                     fecRate3/5     (6), 
 802: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 803:                     fecRate4/5     (7), 
 803: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 804:                     fecRate9/10    (8),  
 804: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 805:                     fecRate2/5     (12), 
 805: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 806:                     fecRate1/3     (13), 
 806: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 807:                     fecRate1/4     (14), 
 807: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 808:                     noInnerCode    (15)                } 
 808: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
 810:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
 810: severe - syntax error, unexpected MAX_ACCESS
 811:        STATUS              current 
 812:        DESCRIPTION 
 813:            "Specifies the inner Forward Error Correction used on the  
 814:            start transponder carrying a NIT to which any RCST shall  
 815:            trigger to acquire forward link. 
 816:      Supported values are: 
 817:                     autoFec        (-1), 
 818:                     fecRate1/2     (0), 
 819:                     fecRate2/3     (1), 
 820:                     fecRate3/4     (2), 
 821:                     fecRate5/6     (3), 
 822:                     fecRate7/8     (4), 
 823:                     fecRate8/9     (5), 
 824:                     fecRate3/5     (6), 
 825:                     fecRate4/5     (7), 
 826:                     fecRate9/10    (8),  
 827:                     fecRate2/5     (12), 
 828:                     fecRate1/3     (13), 
 829:                     fecRate1/4     (14), 
 830:                     noInnerCode    (15) 
 832:      The support of autoFec is optional." 
 835:       ::={fwdStartEntry 8}   
 835: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
 837:    fwdStartRowStatus    OBJECT-TYPE 
 837: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 838:        SYNTAX              RowStatus  
 839:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
 840:        STATUS              current 
 841:        DESCRIPTION 
 842:            "Standard SNMP row status" 
 843:      DEFVAL  { active } 
 844:        ::={fwdStartEntry 9} 
 847:    =================================================================== 
 847: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 848:    --  fwdStatus sub-tree object types 
 849:    =================================================================== 
 849: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 852:    fwdStatusPopId        OBJECT-TYPE 
 852: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 852: change recommended -
warning: node `fwdStatusPopId' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 853:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (0..65535) 
 853: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 854:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
 855:        STATUS              current 
 856:        DESCRIPTION 
 857:            "Population identifier applied at log-on: 
 859:           0-65535: specific StartPopId 
 861:      If the RCST was allowed to logon any population, the RCST will 
 862:    report the base number of the announced  
 863:      population ID indicated  by the RMT linkage descriptor used at 
 864:    logon." 
 866:        ::={fwdStatus 1} 
 868:    fwdStatusTable      OBJECT-TYPE 
 868: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 869:        SYNTAX              SEQUENCE OF FwdStatusEntry 
 870:        MAX-ACCESS          not-accessible 
 871:        STATUS              current 
 872:        DESCRIPTION 
 873:            "This table describes the current status of Forward Link 
 874:    interfaces." 
 875:        ::={fwdStatus 2} 
 877:    fwdStatusEntry        OBJECT-TYPE 
 877: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 877: warning - warning: index element `fwdStatusIndex' of row `fwdStatusEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB

 877: warning - warning: index element `fwdStatusIfReference' of row `fwdStatusEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
 878:        SYNTAX            FwdStatusEntry 
 879:        MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible 
 880:        STATUS            current 
 881:        DESCRIPTION 
 882:           "An entry in the Forward Link Status table. Each entry is 
 883:    associated with a physical interface. A RCST SHALL support at least 
 884:    one entry." 
 885:        INDEX   { fwdStatusIndex, fwdStatusIfReference } 
 886:        ::= { fwdStatusTable 1 } 
 888:    FwdStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { 
 888: minor error - SEQUENCE element #8 `fwdStatusInnerFec' is not a child node under `fwdStatusEntry'
 888: warning - warning: SEQUENCE element #9 `fwdStatusSymbolRate' does not match order of columnar objects under `fwdStatusEntry'
 889:                          fwdStatusIndex           Integer32,   
 889: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 890:                          fwdStatusIfReference     Integer32,   
 890: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 891:                          fwdStatusNetId           Integer32, 
 891: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 892:                          fwdStatusNetName         DisplayString, 
 893:                          fwdStatusFormat          INTEGER, 
 894:                          fwdStatusFrequency       Integer32, 
 894: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 895:                          fwdStatusPolar           INTEGER, 
 896:                          fwdStatusInnerFec        INTEGER, 
 896: severe - unknown object identifier label `fwdStatusInnerFec'
 897:                          fwdStatusSymbolRate      Integer32, 
 897: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 898:                          fwdStatusRolloff         INTEGER, 
 899:                          fwdStatusModulation      INTEGER, 
 900:                          fwdStatusFecFrame        INTEGER, 
 901:                          fwdStatusPilot           INTEGER, 
 902:                          fwdStatusBer             Integer32, 
 902: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 903:                          fwdStatusCnr             Integer32, 
 903: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 904:                          fwdStatusRxPower         Integer32, 
 904: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 905:                          fwdStatusRowStatus       RowStatus 
 906:           }   
 908:    fwdStatusIndex    OBJECT-TYPE 
 908: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 908: error -
index element `fwdStatusIndex' of row `fwdStatusEntry' must have a range restriction

 908: change recommended -
warning: node `fwdStatusIndex' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 909:        SYNTAX              Integer32  
 910:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
 910: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 911:        STATUS              current 
 912:        DESCRIPTION 
 913:            "Table index." 
 914:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 1} 
 916:    fwdStatusIfReference    OBJECT-TYPE 
 916: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 916: error -
index element `fwdStatusIfReference' of row `fwdStatusEntry' must have a range restriction

 916: change recommended -
warning: node `fwdStatusIfReference' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 917:        SYNTAX              Integer32  
 918:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
 918: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 919:        STATUS              current 
 920:        DESCRIPTION 
 921:            "Cross reference to the interface table" 
 922:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 2} 
 924:    fwdStatusNetId      OBJECT-TYPE 
 924: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 925:        SYNTAX              Integer32  
 926:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
 926: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 927:        STATUS              current 
 928:        DESCRIPTION 
 929:        "Interactive network identifier of the forward  
 930:        link (from RMT)" 
 931:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 3}    
 933:    fwdStatusNetName      OBJECT-TYPE 
 933: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 933: change recommended -
warning: node `fwdStatusNetName' must be contained in at least one conformance group
 934:        SYNTAX              DisplayString  
 935:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
 936:        STATUS              current 
 937:        DESCRIPTION 
 938:        "The name of the interactive network of the forward  
 939:        link (from RMT)" 
 940:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 4}    
 942:    fwdStatusFormat  OBJECT-TYPE 
 942: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 943:        SYNTAX              INTEGER  { 
 944:                                    dvbs           (0), 
 945:                                    dvbs2ccm  (1), 
 946:                                    dvbs2acm  (2), 
 947:                                    reservedFormat  (3) 
 948:                                    } 
 949:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
 950:        STATUS              current 
 951:        DESCRIPTION 
 952:        "Specifies the transmission format applied on the forward link. 
 953:    Supported values are (from RMT): 
 954:           0: DVB-S 
 955:           1: DVB-S2 using CCM 
 956:           2: DVB-S2 using ACM 
 957:           3: reserved" 
 958:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 5} 
 960:    fwdStatusFrequency    OBJECT-TYPE 
 960: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 961:        SYNTAX            Integer32 
 962:        UNITS             "100 kHz"  
 962: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
 963:        MAX-ACCESS        read-only 
 964:        STATUS            current 
 965:        DESCRIPTION 
 966:            "An estimate of the frequency of the forward link. Its value 
 967:    shall  
 968:            be given in multiple of 100 kHz." 
 969:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 6}   
 971:    fwdStatusPolar    OBJECT-TYPE 
 971: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 972:        SYNTAX            INTEGER   { 
 973:                          linearHorizontal (0), 
 974:                          linearVertical   (1), 
 975:                          circularLeft     (2), 
 976:                          circularRight    (3) 
 977:                          } 
 979:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
 980:        STATUS              current 
 981:        DESCRIPTION 
 982:            "2-bit field giving the polarization of the forward link  
 983:            (from RMT): 
 984:                00: linear and horizontal 
 985:                01: linear and vertical 
 986:                10: circular left 
 987:                11: circular right" 
 988:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 7}   
 990:    fwdStatusInnerFec    OBJECT-TYPE 
 990: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
 991:        SYNTAX              INTEGER     { 
 992:                     unknown        (-1), 
 993:                     fecRate1/2     (0), 
 993: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 994:                     fecRate2/3     (1), 
 994: severe - syntax error, unexpected LOWERCASE_IDENTIFIER, expecting '('
 994: severe -
lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 995:                     fecRate3/4     (2), 
 995: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 996:                     fecRate5/6     (3), 
 996: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 997:                     fecRate7/8     (4), 
 997: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 998:                     fecRate8/9     (5), 
 998: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
 999:                     fecRate3/5     (6), 
 999: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1000:                     fecRate4/5     (7), 
1000: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1001:                     fecRate9/10    (8),  
1001: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1002:                     fecRate2/5     (12), 
1002: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1003:                     fecRate1/3     (13), 
1003: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1004:                     fecRate1/4     (14), 
1004: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1005:                     noInnerCode    (15)                } 
1005: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1007:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1007: severe - syntax error, unexpected MAX_ACCESS
1008:        STATUS              current 
1009:        DESCRIPTION 
1010:            "Specifies the inner Forward Error Correction used on the  
1011:            forward link for transmission to the RCST. 
1013:      Supported values are: 
1014:                     unknown        (-1), 
1015:                     fecRate1/2     (0), 
1016:                     fecRate2/3     (1), 
1017:                     fecRate3/4     (2), 
1018:                     fecRate5/6     (3), 
1019:                     fecRate7/8     (4), 
1020:                     fecRate8/9     (5), 
1021:                     fecRate3/5     (6), 
1022:                     fecRate4/5     (7), 
1023:                     fecRate9/10    (8),  
1024:                     fecRate2/5     (12), 
1025:                     fecRate1/3     (13), 
1026:                     fecRate1/4     (14), 
1027:                     noInnerCode    (15) 
1029:      The RCST will report a value that has been used for transmission 
1030:    to the RCST within the most recent 60 seconds. 
1031:      If this is not relevant, the RCST will report 'unkown'." 
1032:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 8}      
1032: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1034:    fwdStatusSymbolRate    OBJECT-TYPE 
1034: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1035:        SYNTAX              Integer32 
1036:        UNITS        "100 symbols/s"  
1036: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1037:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1038:        STATUS              current 
1039:        DESCRIPTION 
1040:            "An estimate of the symbol rate of the forward link.  
1041:            Its value shall be given in multiple of 100 symbol/s." 
1042:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 9}   
1045:    fwdStatusRolloff    OBJECT-TYPE 
1045: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1045: change recommended -
warning: node `fwdStatusRolloff' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1046:        SYNTAX              INTEGER   { 
1047:                     undefRolloff   (0), 
1048:                     r020           (1), 
1049:                     r025           (2), 
1050:                     r035      (3) 
1051:                     } 
1053:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1054:        STATUS              current 
1055:        DESCRIPTION 
1056:            "An estimate of the roll-off applied on the forward link. 
1057:      Supported values are: 
1058:                0: undefined 
1059:                1: 0.20 
1060:                2: 0.25 
1061:                3: 0.35 
1062:                4-15: reserved" 
1063:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 10} 
1065:    fwdStatusModulation    OBJECT-TYPE 
1065: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1066:        SYNTAX              INTEGER   { 
1067:                     unknown        (0), 
1068:                     mBPSK          (1), 
1069:                     mQPSK          (2), 
1070:                     m8PSK          (3), 
1071:                     m16APSK        (4), 
1072:                     m32APSK        (5) 
1073:                     } 
1075:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1076:        STATUS              current 
1077:        DESCRIPTION 
1078:        "Indicates the modulation on the forward link used for 
1079:    transmission to the RCST. 
1081:           0: unknown 
1082:           1: BPSK 
1083:           2: QPSK 
1084:           3: 8PSK 
1085:           4: 16APSK 
1086:           5: 32APSK 
1089:      The RCST will report a value that has been used for transmission 
1090:    to the RCST within the most recent 60 seconds. 
1091:      If this is not relevant, the RCST will report 'unkown'." 
1093:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 11} 
1096:    fwdStatusFecFrame    OBJECT-TYPE 
1096: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1097:        SYNTAX              INTEGER { 
1098:                             unknown(0), 
1099:                             shortframe  (1), 
1100:                             longframe   (2) 
1101:                               }  
1102:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1103:        STATUS              current 
1104:        DESCRIPTION 
1106:        "Indicates the frame length used on the forward link for 
1107:    transmission to the RCST. 
1108:      Supported values are: 
1109:                0: Unknown 
1110:                1: Normal frame 
1111:                2: Short frame 
1113:      The RCST will report a value that has been used for transmission 
1114:    to the RCST within the most recent 60 seconds. 
1115:      If this is not relevant, the RCST will report 'unkown'." 
1117:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 12}     
1119:    fwdStatusPilot        OBJECT-TYPE 
1119: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1120:        SYNTAX              INTEGER { 
1122:                             unknown(0), 
1123:                             pilotNotused(1), 
1124:                             pilotUsed   (2) 
1125:                               }  
1126:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1127:        STATUS              current 
1128:        DESCRIPTION 
1129:        "Indicates whether pilots are used on the forward link for 
1130:    transmission to the RCST. 
1131:      Supported values are: 
1132:                0: Unknown 
1133:                1: Pilots are not used 
1134:                2: Pilot not used 
1136:      The RCST will report a value that has been used for transmission 
1137:    to the RCST within the most recent 60 seconds. 
1138:      If this is not relevant, the RCST will report 'unkown'." 
1140:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 13} 
1142:    fwdStatusBer     OBJECT-TYPE 
1142: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1143:        SYNTAX       Integer32  
1144:        UNITS        "exponent of 10" 
1144: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1145:        MAX-ACCESS   read-only 
1146:        STATUS       current 
1147:        DESCRIPTION 
1148:        "Provides the RCST BER on the Forward Link in log10 units." 
1149:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 14} 
1152:    fwdStatusCnr     OBJECT-TYPE 
1152: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1153:        SYNTAX       Integer32  
1154:        UNITS        "0.1 dB" 
1154: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1155:        MAX-ACCESS   read-only 
1156:        STATUS       current 
1157:        DESCRIPTION 
1158:        "Provides the RCST CNR on the Forward Link in 0.1 dB units." 
1159:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 15} 
1161:    fwdStatusRxPower OBJECT-TYPE 
1161: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1162:        SYNTAX       Integer32  
1163:        UNITS        "0.1 dBm" 
1163: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1164:        MAX-ACCESS   read-only 
1165:        STATUS       current 
1166:        DESCRIPTION 
1167:        "Provides the power level of the Forward Link as received at the 
1168:    IDU, in 0.1 dBm units." 
1169:        DEFVAL { -500 } 
1170:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 16} 
1172:    fwdStatusRowStatus    OBJECT-TYPE 
1172: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1173:        SYNTAX              RowStatus 
1174:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1175:        STATUS              current 
1176:        DESCRIPTION 
1177:            "Standard SNMP row status" 
1178:        DEFVAL { active } 
1179:        ::={fwdStatusEntry 17} 
1181:    =================================================================== 
1181: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1182:    -- rcstQos sub-tree object types 
1183:    =================================================================== 
1183: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1186:    pktClassTable      OBJECT-TYPE 
1186: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1187:        SYNTAX              SEQUENCE OF PktClassEntry 
1188:        MAX-ACCESS          not-accessible 
1189:        STATUS              current 
1190:        DESCRIPTION 
1191:            "This table describes the packet classification used in the 
1192:    DVB-RCS terminal. The number of entries is specified by 
1193:    PktClassIndex. " 
1194:        ::={rcstQos 1} 
1196:    pktClassEntry        OBJECT-TYPE 
1196: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1196: warning - warning: index element `pktClassIndex' of row `pktClassEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
1197:        SYNTAX            PktClassEntry 
1198:        MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible 
1199:        STATUS            current 
1200:        DESCRIPTION 
1201:           "An entry in the packet classification table. One object type 
1202:    of each entry may have a value in the active range 
1203:      (a non-default value).The other object types are then assumed set 
1204:    to 'inactive'. The entry with the lowest index 
1205:      value takes precedence when classifying a packet." 
1207:        INDEX   { pktClassIndex } 
1208:        ::= { pktClassTable 1 } 
1210:    PktClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { 
1211:           pktClassIndex            INTEGER,   
1212:           pktClassDscpLow          Integer32, 
1212: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1213:           pktClassDscpHigh         Integer32, 
1213: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1214:           pktClassDscpMarkValue    Integer32, 
1214: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1215:           pktClassIPProtocol       Integer32, 
1215: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1216:           pktClassIPSrcAddr        IpAddress, 
1216: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1217:           pktClassIPSrcAddrMask    IpAddress, 
1217: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1218:           pktClassIPDstAddr        IpAddress, 
1218: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1219:           pktClassIPDstAddrMask    IpAddress, 
1219: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1220:           pktClassSrcPortLow       Integer32, 
1220: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1221:           pktClassSrcPortHigh      Integer32, 
1221: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1222:           pktClassDstPortLow       Integer32, 
1222: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1223:           pktClassDstPortHigh      Integer32, 
1223: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1224:           pktClassVlanUserPri      Integer32, 
1224: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1225:           pktClassPhbAssociation   Integer32, 
1225: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1226:           pktClassRowStatus        RowStatus 
1227:           }   
1229:    pktClassIndex    OBJECT-TYPE 
1229: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1229: error -
index element `pktClassIndex' of row `pktClassEntry' must have a range restriction
1230:        SYNTAX              INTEGER  
1231:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1231: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
1232:        STATUS              current 
1233:        DESCRIPTION 
1234:            "Index automatically incremented by one at row creation." 
1235:        ::={pktClassEntry 1} 
1237:    pktClassDscpLow OBJECT-TYPE 
1237: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1237: change recommended -
warning: node `pktClassDscpLow' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1238:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (0..63) 
1238: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1240:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1241:        STATUS              current 
1242:        DESCRIPTION 
1243:            "This object specifies the low value of a range  
1244:            of DSCP values to which a packet is compared. A value of 0 
1245:    is used to inactivate." 
1246:        DEFVAL       { 0 } 
1247:        ::={pktClassEntry 2} 
1249:    pktClassDscpHigh OBJECT-TYPE 
1249: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1249: change recommended -
warning: node `pktClassDscpHigh' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1250:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (0..63)  
1250: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1251:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1252:        STATUS              current 
1253:        DESCRIPTION 
1254:            "This object specifies the high value of a range of  
1255:            DSCP values to which a packet is compared. A value of 63 is 
1256:    used to inactivate." 
1257:        DEFVAL       { 63 } 
1258:        ::={pktClassEntry 3} 
1260:    pktClassDscpMarkValue OBJECT-TYPE 
1260: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1260: change recommended -
warning: node `pktClassDscpMarkValue' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1261:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (-1..63)  
1261: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1262:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1263:        STATUS              current 
1264:        DESCRIPTION 
1265:          "This object is the DSCP value used to mark the packet, 
1266:          64 indicates no DSCP marking, possible DSCP marks values  
1267:          are (0..63)" 
1268:        DEFVAL       { -1 } 
1269:         ::={pktClassEntry 4} 
1271:    pktClassIPProtocol OBJECT-TYPE 
1271: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1271: change recommended -
warning: node `pktClassIPProtocol' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1272:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (-1..255)  
1272: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1273:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1274:        STATUS              current 
1275:        DESCRIPTION 
1276:          "This object specifies the IP protocol to which a  
1277:          packet is compared. A value of 255 indicates inactive."  
1278:        DEFVAL       { -1 } 
1279:          ::={pktClassEntry 5} 
1281:    pktClassIPSrcAddr     OBJECT-TYPE 
1281: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1281: change recommended -
warning: node `pktClassIPSrcAddr' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1282:        SYNTAX              IpAddress                                    
1283:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1283: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1284:        STATUS              current 
1285:        DESCRIPTION 
1286:          "This object specifies the IP source address to which a  
1287:          packet is compared." 
1288:        ::={pktClassEntry 6} 
1291:    pktClassIPSrcAddrMask  OBJECT-TYPE 
1291: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1291: change recommended -
warning: node `pktClassIPSrcAddrMask' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1292:        SYNTAX              IpAddress                                    
1293:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1293: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1294:        STATUS              current 
1295:        DESCRIPTION 
1296:          "This object specifies which bits of the IP source  
1297:          address will be matched. A mask of all zeros inidcates that 
1298:    the selectivity is inactive." 
1299:        DEFVAL       { 0 } 
1300:        ::={pktClassEntry 7}     
1300: error - default value syntax does not match object syntax
1302:    pktClassIPDstAddr      OBJECT-TYPE 
1302: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1302: change recommended -
warning: node `pktClassIPDstAddr' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1303:        SYNTAX              IpAddress                                    
1304:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1304: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1305:        STATUS              current 
1306:        DESCRIPTION 
1307:        "This object specifies the IP destination address to which a  
1308:        packet is compared." 
1309:        ::={pktClassEntry 8} 
1311:    pktClassIPDstAddrMask  OBJECT-TYPE 
1311: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1311: change recommended -
warning: node `pktClassIPDstAddrMask' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1312:        SYNTAX              IpAddress                                    
1313:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1313: error - SMIv2 base type `IpAddress' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1314:        STATUS              current 
1315:        DESCRIPTION 
1316:           "This object specifies which bits of the IP destination  
1317:           address will be matched. A mask of all zeros indicates that 
1318:    the selectivity is inactive." 
1319:        DEFVAL       { 0 } 
1320:            ::={pktClassEntry 9} 
1320: error - default value syntax does not match object syntax
1322:    pktClassSrcPortLow OBJECT-TYPE 
1322: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1323:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (-1..65535)  
1323: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1324:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1325:        STATUS              current 
1326:        DESCRIPTION 
1327:          "This object specifies the low range of the source  
1328:          port to which a packet is compared. A value of -1 indicates 
1329:    that the selectivity is inactive."                         
1330:        DEFVAL       { -1 } 
1331:          ::={pktClassEntry 10} 
1333:    pktClassSrcPortHigh  OBJECT-TYPE 
1333: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1334:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (-1..65535)  
1334: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1335:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1336:        STATUS              current 
1337:        DESCRIPTION                     
1338:         "This object specifies the high range of the source 
1339:         port to which a packet is compared. A value of -1 indicates 
1340:    that the selectivity is inactive." 
1341:        DEFVAL       { -1 } 
1342:             ::={pktClassEntry 11} 
1344:    pktClassDstPortLow   OBJECT-TYPE 
1344: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1345:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (-1..65535)  
1345: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1346:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1347:        STATUS              current 
1348:        DESCRIPTION                                     
1349:         "This object specifies the low range of the destination  
1350:         port to which a packet is compared. A value of -1 indicates 
1351:    that the selectivity is inactive."                           
1352:        DEFVAL       { -1 } 
1353:         ::={pktClassEntry 12}                           
1355:    pktClassDstPortHigh  OBJECT-TYPE 
1355: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1356:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (-1..65535)  
1356: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1357:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1358:        STATUS              current 
1359:        DESCRIPTION            
1360:          "This object specifies the high range of the destination  
1361:          port to which a packet is compared. A value of -1 indicates 
1362:    that the selectivity is inactive."                      
1363:        DEFVAL       { -1 } 
1364:         ::={pktClassEntry 13} 
1366:    pktClassVlanUserPri OBJECT-TYPE 
1366: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1366: change recommended -
warning: node `pktClassVlanUserPri' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1367:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (-1..7)  
1367: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1368:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1369:        STATUS              current 
1370:        DESCRIPTION    
1371:          "This object specifies the VLAN User Priority  
1372:          to which a packet is compared. A value of -1 indicates that 
1373:    the selectivity is inactive." 
1374:        DEFVAL       { -1 } 
1375:          ::={pktClassEntry 14}    
1377:    pktClassPhbAssociation OBJECT-TYPE 
1377: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1378:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (0..63)  
1378: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1379:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1380:        STATUS              current 
1381:        DESCRIPTION          
1382:          "Associate the filter entry to a specific PHB (refer to 
1383:    phbIdentifier)." 
1384:           ::={pktClassEntry 15} 
1386:    pktClassRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE 
1386: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1386: change recommended -
warning: node `pktClassRowStatus' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1387:        SYNTAX              RowStatus  
1388:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1389:        STATUS              current 
1390:        DESCRIPTION 
1391:            "Standard SNMP row status" 
1392:           ::={pktClassEntry 16} 
1394:    =================================================================== 
1394: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1395:    -- PhbMappingTable 
1396:    =================================================================== 
1396: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1398:    phbMappingTable      OBJECT-TYPE 
1398: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1399:        SYNTAX              SEQUENCE OF PhbMappingEntry 
1400:        MAX-ACCESS          not-accessible 
1401:        STATUS              current 
1402:        DESCRIPTION 
1403:            "This table is a list of PHB MIB entries. It describes the 
1404:    PHB mapping to the Request Class." 
1405:        ::={rcstQos 2} 
1407:    phbMappingEntry        OBJECT-TYPE 
1407: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1407: warning - warning: index element `phbIdentifier' of row `phbMappingEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
1408:        SYNTAX            PhbMappingEntry 
1409:        MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible 
1410:        STATUS            current 
1411:        DESCRIPTION 
1412:           "An entry in the PHB mapping table." 
1413:        INDEX   { phbIdentifier } 
1414:        ::= { phbMappingTable 1 } 
1416:    PhbMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { 
1417:           phbIdentifier                 Integer32, 
1417: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1418:           phbName                       DisplayString, 
1419:           phbRequestClassAssociation    Integer32, 
1419: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1420:           phbMappingRowStatus           RowStatus 
1421:                    }   
1423:    phbIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE 
1423: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1424:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (0..63) 
1424: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1425:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1426:        STATUS              current 
1427:        DESCRIPTION 
1428:          "Identification of the PHB (0..63)." 
1429:         ::={phbMappingEntry 1}  
1431:    phbName  OBJECT-TYPE 
1431: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1432:        SYNTAX              DisplayString  
1433:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1434:        STATUS              current 
1435:        DESCRIPTION 
1436:          "The name of the PHB." 
1437:         ::={phbMappingEntry 2}      
1439:    phbRequestClassAssociation  OBJECT-TYPE 
1439: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1440:        SYNTAX               Integer32 (1..16)    
1440: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1441:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1442:        STATUS              current 
1443:        DESCRIPTION 
1444:          "This object is an association of this PHB  
1445:          to a Request class (by reference to a Request Class index)." 
1446:         ::={phbMappingEntry 3} 
1448:    phbMappingRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE 
1448: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1448: change recommended -
warning: node `phbMappingRowStatus' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1449:        SYNTAX              RowStatus  
1450:        MAX-ACCESS          read-create 
1451:        STATUS              current 
1452:        DESCRIPTION 
1453:            "Standard SNMP row status" 
1454:        DEFVAL { active } 
1455:        ::={phbMappingEntry 4} 
1458:    =================================================================== 
1458: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1459:    -- RequestClassTable 
1460:    =================================================================== 
1460: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1462:    requestClassTable      OBJECT-TYPE 
1462: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1463:        SYNTAX              SEQUENCE OF RequestClassEntry 
1464:        MAX-ACCESS          not-accessible 
1465:        STATUS              current 
1466:        DESCRIPTION 
1467:            "This table is a list of Request class entries. This class 
1468:    describes the layer 2 QoS objects." 
1469:        ::={rcstQos 3} 
1471:    requestClassEntry        OBJECT-TYPE 
1471: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1471: warning - warning: index element `requestClassIndex' of row `requestClassEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
1472:        SYNTAX            RequestClassEntry 
1473:        MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible 
1474:        STATUS            current 
1475:        DESCRIPTION 
1476:           "An entry in the Request class table." 
1477:        INDEX   { requestClassIndex } 
1478:        ::= { requestClassTable 1 } 
1480:    RequestClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { 
1481:                    requestClassIndex         Integer32, 
1481: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1482:                    requestClassName          DisplayString, 
1483:                    requestClassChanId        Integer32, 
1483: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1484:                    requestClassVccVpi        Integer32, 
1484: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1485:                    requestClassVccVci        Integer32, 
1485: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1486:                    requestClassPidPoolReference   Integer32, 
1486: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1487:                    requestClassCra                INTEGER, 
1488:                    requestClassRbdcMax            INTEGER, 
1489:                     requestClassRbdcTimeout       INTEGER, 
1490:                    requestClassVbdcMax            INTEGER, 
1491:                    requestClassVbdcTimeout        INTEGER, 
1492:                    requestClassVbdcMaxBackLog     INTEGER, 
1493:                    requestClassAvbdcRepTime       INTEGER, 
1494:                    requestClassRowStatus          RowStatus 
1495:                    }   
1497:    requestClassIndex    OBJECT-TYPE 
1497: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1498:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (1..16)  
1498: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1499:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1500:        STATUS              current 
1501:        DESCRIPTION 
1502:            "Index of the Request Class table. A total of 16 entries is 
1503:    supported." 
1504:        ::={requestClassEntry 1}    
1506:    requestClassName   OBJECT-TYPE 
1506: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1507:        SYNTAX              DisplayString  
1508:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1509:        STATUS              current 
1510:        DESCRIPTION 
1511:           "Name of the Request class." 
1512:        ::={requestClassEntry 2}  
1514:    requestClassChanId  OBJECT-TYPE 
1514: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1515:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (0..15) 
1515: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1516:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1517:        STATUS              current 
1518:        DESCRIPTION 
1519:           "Channel id of the Request class." 
1520:        ::={requestClassEntry 3}  
1522:    requestClassVccVpi OBJECT-TYPE 
1522: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1523:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (0..255) 
1523: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1524:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1525:        STATUS              current 
1526:        DESCRIPTION 
1527:          "Defines VPI used for the Request class (ATM profile)." 
1528:         ::={requestClassEntry 4}  
1530:    requestClassVccVci  OBJECT-TYPE 
1530: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1531:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (0..65535) 
1531: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1532:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1533:        STATUS              current 
1534:        DESCRIPTION 
1535:          "Defines VCI used for the Request class (ATM profile)." 
1536:         ::={requestClassEntry 5}    
1538:    requestClassPidPoolReference OBJECT-TYPE 
1538: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1539:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (1..16)  
1539: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1540:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1541:        STATUS              current 
1542:        DESCRIPTION 
1543:         "Reference to the PID pool applicable for the request class." 
1544:             ::={requestClassEntry 6}  
1546:    requestClassCra  OBJECT-TYPE 
1546: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1547:        SYNTAX              INTEGER 
1548:        UNITS               "bits/s" 
1548: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
1549:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1550:        STATUS              current 
1551:        DESCRIPTION 
1552:          "Define CRA level for the Request class in bit per second 
1553:    (b/s)." 
1554:         ::={requestClassEntry 7}   
1556:    requestClassRbdcMax OBJECT-TYPE 
1556: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1557:        SYNTAX              INTEGER 
1558:        UNITS               "2 kbits/s" 
1558: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
1559:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1560:        STATUS              current 
1561:        DESCRIPTION               
1562:        " Max RBDC that can be requested for the Request class, in 
1563:    number of 2 Kb/s" 
1564:          ::={requestClassEntry 8}  
1566:    requestClassRbdcTimeout OBJECT-TYPE 
1566: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1567:        SYNTAX              INTEGER 
1568:        UNITS               "superframes" 
1568: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
1569:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1570:        STATUS              current 
1571:        DESCRIPTION                    
1572:          "Persistence of the RBDC request, expressed in superframes" 
1573:          ::={requestClassEntry 9}  
1575:    requestClassVbdcMax  OBJECT-TYPE 
1575: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1576:        SYNTAX              INTEGER 
1577:        UNITS               "ATM cells/MPEG packets" 
1577: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
1578:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1579:        STATUS              current 
1580:        DESCRIPTION            
1581:         "Max VBDC that can be requested for the Request class,  
1582:         in payload units (one ATM cell or one MPEG packet) per 
1583:    superframe" 
1584:         ::={requestClassEntry 10}   
1586:    requestClassVbdcTimeout OBJECT-TYPE 
1586: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1587:        SYNTAX              INTEGER 
1588:        UNITS               "superframes" 
1588: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
1589:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1590:        STATUS              current 
1591:        DESCRIPTION        
1592:        "Time after which the RCST considers that the pending requests 
1593:    are lost.  
1594:        The RCST may issue new request for that traffic. VBDC Timeout is  
1595:        expressed in superframes."                        
1596:         ::={requestClassEntry 11}   
1598:    requestClassVbdcMaxBackLog OBJECT-TYPE 
1598: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1598: change recommended -
warning: node `requestClassVbdcMaxBackLog' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1599:        SYNTAX              INTEGER 
1600:        UNITS               "bytes" 
1600: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
1601:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1602:        STATUS              current 
1603:        DESCRIPTION  
1604:        "VBDC back Log per Request class. (expressed in bytes)"       
1605:        ::={requestClassEntry 12}     
1607:    requestClassAvbdcRepTime OBJECT-TYPE 
1607: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1608:        SYNTAX              INTEGER 
1609:        UNITS               "superframes" 
1609: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
1610:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1611:        STATUS              current 
1612:        DESCRIPTION  
1613:         "Optional parameter. AVBDC requests can be sent periodically,  
1614:         according to the value of that parameter.  
1615:         AVBDCRepTime is expressed in superframes." 
1616:         ::={requestClassEntry 13} 
1618:    requestClassRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE 
1618: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1618: change recommended -
warning: node `requestClassRowStatus' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1619:        SYNTAX              RowStatus  
1620:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1621:        STATUS              current 
1622:        DESCRIPTION 
1623:            "Standard SNMP row status" 
1624:        DEFVAL { active } 
1625:        ::={requestClassEntry 14} 
1628:    =================================================================== 
1628: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1629:    -- the table of PID pools 
1630:    =================================================================== 
1630: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1633:    pidPoolTable OBJECT-TYPE 
1633: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1634:        SYNTAX              SEQUENCE OF PidPoolEntry 
1635:        MAX-ACCESS          not-accessible 
1636:        STATUS              current 
1637:        DESCRIPTION 
1638:            "This table contains the PID pools. A PID value may occur in 
1639:    more than one PID pool. Each PID value can effectively 
1640:     occur only once in each pool.  Only one Pid per PID pool is 
1641:    required for short term QoS support." 
1642:        ::={rcstQos 4} 
1644:    pidPoolEntry        OBJECT-TYPE 
1644: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1644: warning - warning: index element `pidPoolIndex' of row `pidPoolEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB

1644: warning - warning: index element `pidIndex' of row `pidPoolEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
1645:        SYNTAX            PidPoolEntry 
1646:        MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible 
1647:        STATUS            current 
1648:        DESCRIPTION 
1649:           "An entry in the PID list table." 
1650:        INDEX   { pidPoolIndex, pidIndex } 
1651:        ::= { pidPoolTable 1 } 
1653:    PidPoolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { 
1654:           pidPoolIndex        Integer32, 
1654: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1655:           pidIndex       Integer32, 
1655: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1656:                    pidValue        Integer32, 
1656: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1657:           pidPoolRowStatus    RowStatus 
1658:                   }   
1660:    pidPoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
1660: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1661:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (1..16)  
1661: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1662:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1663:        STATUS              current 
1664:        DESCRIPTION 
1665:         "Index of the Pid pool in the PID pool table." 
1666:             ::={pidPoolEntry 1}  
1668:    pidIndex OBJECT-TYPE 
1668: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1669:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (1..16)  
1669: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1670:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1671:        STATUS              current 
1672:        DESCRIPTION 
1673:         "Index of the PID entry within the PID pool." 
1674:             ::={pidPoolEntry 2}  
1676:    pidValue OBJECT-TYPE 
1676: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1677:        SYNTAX              Integer32 (0..8191)  
1677: error - SMIv2 base type `Integer32' must be imported from SNMPv2-SMI
1678:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1679:        STATUS              current 
1680:        DESCRIPTION 
1681:         "Define one of the PIDs to be used in a PID pool of 
1682:    pidPoolIndex." 
1683:          ::={pidPoolEntry 3} 
1685:    pidPoolRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE 
1685: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1686:        SYNTAX              RowStatus  
1687:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1688:        STATUS              current 
1689:        DESCRIPTION 
1690:            "Standard SNMP row status" 
1691:        DEFVAL { active } 
1692:        ::={pidPoolEntry 4} 
1694:    qosGlobalRbdcMax  OBJECT-TYPE 
1694: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1695:        SYNTAX              INTEGER 
1696:        UNITS               "2 kbits/s" 
1696: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
1697:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1698:        STATUS              current 
1699:        DESCRIPTION 
1700:           "The global RBDC max is for information only and it is 
1701:    optional. 
1702:      (expressed in number of 2 kb/s)" 
1703:        ::={rcstQos 5}    
1705:    qosGlobalVbdcMax  OBJECT-TYPE 
1705: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1705: change recommended -
warning: node `qosGlobalVbdcMax' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1706:        SYNTAX              INTEGER 
1707:        UNITS               "ATM cells/MPEG packets" 
1707: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
1708:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1709:        STATUS              current 
1710:        DESCRIPTION 
1711:             "The global VBDC max is for information only and it is 
1712:      optional.(expressed in payload units/superframe)" 
1713:        ::={rcstQos 6}    
1715:    qosGlobalVbdcMaxBackLog OBJECT-TYPE 
1715: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1715: change recommended -
warning: node `qosGlobalVbdcMaxBackLog' must be contained in at least one conformance group
1716:        SYNTAX              INTEGER 
1717:        UNITS               "bytes" 
1717: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
1718:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1719:        STATUS              current 
1720:        DESCRIPTION 
1721:           "The global VBDC back log is used only if the VBDC back log 
1722:    is not  
1723:           configured in the Request class.   (expressed in bytes)" 
1724:        ::={rcstQos 7}    
1726:    qosGlobalAvbdcRepTime  OBJECT-TYPE 
1726: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1727:        SYNTAX              INTEGER 
1728:        UNITS               "superframes" 
1728: warning - warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
1729:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1730:        STATUS              current 
1731:        DESCRIPTION 
1732:           "The global AVBDC rep time is optional (expressed in 
1733:    superframes)." 
1734:        ::={rcstQos 8}    
1736:    qosChannelIdStrictDispatching OBJECT-TYPE 
1736: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1737:        SYNTAX              INTEGER { 
1738:                               not_strict (0), 
1738: error - identifier `not_strict' must not contain an underscore
1739:                               strict (1) 
1740:                               } 
1741:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1742:        STATUS              current 
1743:        DESCRIPTION 
1744:           "Indicates whether the RCST will strictly follow RC 
1745:    association when  
1746:           signaled through Channel_ID in the TBTP: 
1747:                No strict association (0) 
1748:                Strict association (1)" 
1749:        ::={rcstQos 9}    
1752:    =================================================================== 
1752: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1753:    -- rcstState sub-tree object types 
1754:    =================================================================== 
1754: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1756:    rcstMode  OBJECT-TYPE 
1756: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1757:        SYNTAX              INTEGER { 
1758:                               installation (0), 
1759:                               operational (1) 
1760:                               } 
1761:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1762:        STATUS              current 
1763:        DESCRIPTION 
1764:          "Allows to identify in which mode the RCST is and to return it 
1765:    to the installation mode when needed. Values for the RCST mode are:  
1766:           Installation (0) 
1767:           Operational (1)" 
1768:          ::={rcstState 1} 
1770:    rcstFaultStatus  OBJECT-TYPE 
1770: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1771:        SYNTAX              INTEGER { 
1772:                               nofault (0), 
1773:                               fault (1) 
1774:                               } 
1775:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1776:        STATUS              current 
1777:        DESCRIPTION     
1778:           "Provide the fault status of the terminal. The fault status 
1779:    management is vendor specific. Values for the Fault Status are:  
1780:                no fault (0) 
1781:                fault (1)" 
1782:             ::={rcstState 2} 
1784:    rcstFwdLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
1784: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1785:        SYNTAX              INTEGER { 
1786:                               notAcquired (0), 
1787:                               acquired  (1) 
1788:                               } 
1789:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1790:        STATUS              current 
1791:        DESCRIPTION     
1792:           "Provides the status of the RCST Forward Link. Values for the  
1793:           Forward Link Status are: 
1794:           Not acquired (0) 
1795:           Acquired (1)" 
1796:           ::={rcstState 3} 
1798:    rcstRtnLinkStatus   OBJECT-TYPE 
1798: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1799:        SYNTAX              INTEGER { 
1800:                               loggedOff (0), 
1801:                               loggedOn  (1) 
1802:                               } 
1803:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1804:        STATUS              current 
1805:        DESCRIPTION     
1806:           "Provides the status of the RCST Return Link. Values for the  
1807:           Return Link Status are: 
1808:           Logged-off (0) 
1809:           Logged-on (1)" 
1810:           ::={rcstState 4} 
1812:    rcstLogUpdated OBJECT-TYPE 
1812: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1813:        SYNTAX              INTEGER { 
1814:                               noUpdate       (0), 
1815:                               logfileUpdated  (1) 
1816:                               } 
1817:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1818:        STATUS              current 
1819:        DESCRIPTION     
1820:           "Indicates the existence of an updated log file: 
1821:                No update (0) 
1822:                Log file updated (1) 
1823:           The RCST should remove the Log file updated indication  
1824:           as the log file is fetched by the NCC." 
1825:           ::={rcstState 5} 
1827:    rcstCurrentSoftwareVersion  OBJECT-TYPE 
1827: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1828:        SYNTAX              DisplayString                     
1829:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1830:        STATUS              current 
1831:        DESCRIPTION   
1832:          "Current RCST software version." 
1833:           ::={rcstState 6} 
1835:    rcstAlternateSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE 
1835: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1836:        SYNTAX              DisplayString                     
1837:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1838:        STATUS              current 
1839:        DESCRIPTION 
1840:        "Alternate (backup/new) RCST software version."   
1841:           ::={rcstState 7} 
1843:    rcstActivatedConfigFileVersion OBJECT-TYPE 
1843: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1844:        SYNTAX              DisplayString                     
1845:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1846:        STATUS              current 
1847:        DESCRIPTION 
1848:          "Version of the most recently activated configuration file. 
1849:    Version is vendor specific." 
1850:           ::={rcstState 8} 
1852:    rcstDownloadedConfigFileVersion 
1853:        OBJECT-TYPE 
1853: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1854:        SYNTAX              DisplayString                     
1855:        MAX-ACCESS          read-only 
1856:        STATUS              current 
1857:        DESCRIPTION 
1858:          "Version of the most recently downloaded configuration file. 
1859:    Version is vendor specific. If the 
1860:      value is different from rcstActivatedConfigFileVersion, it is 
1861:    pending for activation." 
1862:        ::={rcstState 9} 
1864:    =================================================================== 
1864: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1865:    -- rcstControl sub-tree object types            
1866:    ==================================================================== 
1866: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
1868:    ctrlRebootCommand OBJECT-TYPE 
1868: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1869:        SYNTAX           INTEGER { 
1870:                                    idle      (1), 
1871:                                    normal    (2), 
1872:                                    alternate (3) 
1873:                                    }                              
1874:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1875:        STATUS              current 
1876:        DESCRIPTION  
1877:         "This variable shall force the RCST to reboot  
1878:           (1)- idle 
1879:           (2)- normal reboot (from current software load) 
1880:           (3)- reboot from alternate load (swap to alternate load 
1881:    before reboot)"   
1882:        DEFVAL {1} 
1883:         ::={rcstControl 1}     
1885:    ctrlRcstTxDisableOBJECT-TYPE 
1886:        SYNTAX           INTEGER { 
1886: warning - warning: object identifier name `ctrlRcstTxDisableOBJECT-TYPE' should not include hyphens in SMIv2 MIB
1886: severe - syntax error, unexpected SYNTAX, expecting OBJECT
1887:                                    idle      (1), 
1888:                                    disable   (2), 
1889:                                }                                      
1889: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1891:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1891: severe - syntax error, unexpected MAX_ACCESS
1892:        STATUS              current 
1893:        DESCRIPTION  
1894:         "This variable shall force the RCST to stop transmission 
1895:    (transmit disabled as defined in [1]):  
1896:                (1)- idle 
1897:                (2)- initiate Tx Disabled" 
1898:        DEFVAL {1} 
1898: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1899:          ::={rcstControl 2} 
1899: severe - syntax error, unexpected COLON_COLON_EQUAL
1899: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1901:    ctrlUserTrafficDisableOBJECT-TYPE 
1902:        SYNTAX           INTEGER { 
1902: warning - warning: object identifier name `ctrlUserTrafficDisableOBJECT-TYPE' should not include hyphens in SMIv2 MIB
1902: severe - syntax error, unexpected SYNTAX, expecting OBJECT
1903:                                    idle      (1), 
1904:                                    disable   (2), 
1905:                                }                                      
1905: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1907:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1907: severe - syntax error, unexpected MAX_ACCESS
1908:        STATUS              current 
1909:        DESCRIPTION  
1910:          "This variable shall disable user traffic (only RCST 
1911:    management traffic can be transmitted) 
1912:           (1)- idle 
1913:           (2)- disable user traffic" 
1914:        DEFVAL {1} 
1914: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1915:          ::={rcstControl 3} 
1915: severe - syntax error, unexpected COLON_COLON_EQUAL
1915: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1917:    ctrlCwEnable OBJECT-TYPE 
1917: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1918:        SYNTAX           INTEGER { 
1919:                                    off  (1), 
1920:                                    on   (2), 
1922:                                }                                  
1922: severe - syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting LOWERCASE_IDENTIFIER
1922: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1924:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1924: severe - syntax error, unexpected MAX_ACCESS
1925:        STATUS              current 
1926:        DESCRIPTION  
1927:         "This variable will force the RCST to start transmission of CW, 
1928:    if the RCST is first set to the installation state, and is properly 
1929:    configured for CW transmission:  
1930:           (1)- off 
1931:           (2)- on" 
1932:        DEFVAL {1} 
1932: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1934:         ::={rcstControl 4} 
1934: severe - syntax error, unexpected COLON_COLON_EQUAL
1934: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1936:    ctrlOduTxReferenceEnable OBJECT-TYPE 
1936: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1937:        SYNTAX           INTEGER { 
1938:                                    off  (1), 
1939:                                    on   (2), 
1940:                                }                                      
1940: severe - syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting LOWERCASE_IDENTIFIER
1940: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1942:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1942: severe - syntax error, unexpected MAX_ACCESS
1943:        STATUS              current 
1944:        DESCRIPTION  
1945:          "Enables activation and deactivation of 10 MHz reference  
1946:          clock in the Tx IFL cable: 
1947:           (1) off 
1948:           (2) on" 
1949:        DEFVAL {2} 
1949: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1950:           ::={rcstControl 5} 
1950: severe - syntax error, unexpected COLON_COLON_EQUAL
1950: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1952:    ctrlOduTxDCEnable OBJECT-TYPE 
1952: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1953:        SYNTAX           INTEGER { 
1954:                                    off  (1), 
1955:                                    on   (2), 
1956:                                }                                  
1956: severe - syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting LOWERCASE_IDENTIFIER
1956: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1958:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1958: severe - syntax error, unexpected MAX_ACCESS
1959:        STATUS              current 
1960:        DESCRIPTION  
1961:          "Enables activation and deactivation of DC in the Tx IFL 
1962:    cable: 
1963:           (1) off 
1964:           (2) on" 
1965:        DEFVAL {2} 
1965: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1966:           ::={rcstControl 6} 
1966: severe - syntax error, unexpected COLON_COLON_EQUAL
1966: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1968:    ctrlOduRxDCEnable OBJECT-TYPE 
1968: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1969:        SYNTAX           INTEGER { 
1970:                                    off  (1), 
1971:                                    on   (2), 
1972:                                }                                  
1972: severe - syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting LOWERCASE_IDENTIFIER
1972: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1974:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1974: severe - syntax error, unexpected MAX_ACCESS
1975:        STATUS              current 
1976:        DESCRIPTION  
1977:          "Enables activation and deactivation of DC in the Rx IFL 
1978:    cable: 
1979:           (1) off 
1980:           (2) on" 
1981:        DEFVAL {2} 
1981: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1982:           ::={rcstControl 7} 
1982: severe - syntax error, unexpected COLON_COLON_EQUAL
1982: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
1984:    ctrlDownloadFileCommand OBJECT-TYPE 
1984: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
1985:        SYNTAX           INTEGER { 
1986:                               idle            (1), 
1987:                               config          (2), 
1988:                               installationLog (3) 
1989:                                }                                          
1991:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
1992:        STATUS              current 
1993:        DESCRIPTION  
1994:      "This variable shall initiate a RCST configuration file download 
1995:    process  
1996:           (1)  idle 
1997:           (2)  download RCST configuration file from TFTP/FTP server 
1998:           (3)  download RCST installation log file from TFTP/FTP server  
1999:                (INSTALL_LOG OPTION)" 
2000:        DEFVAL {1} 
2001:           ::={rcstControl 8} 
2003:    ctrlUploadFileCommand OBJECT-TYPE 
2003: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
2004:        SYNTAX           INTEGER { 
2005:                                idle               (1), 
2006:                                config             (2), 
2007:                                eventAlarm         (3), 
2008:                                installationLog    (4) 
2009:                                }                                          
2011:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
2012:        STATUS              current 
2013:        DESCRIPTION  
2014:        "This variable shall initiate a RCST upload process  
2015:           (1)  idle 
2016:           (2)  upload RCST configuration file to TFTP/FTP server 
2017:           (3)  upload RCST event/alarm log file to TFTP/FTP server 
2018:           (4)  upload RCST installation log file to TFTP/FTP server  
2019:                (INSTALL_LOG OPTION)" 
2020:        DEFVAL {1} 
2021:           ::={rcstControl 9} 
2023:    ctrlActivateConfigFileCommand  OBJECT-TYPE 
2023: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
2024:        SYNTAX           INTEGER { 
2025:                                    idle           (1), 
2026:                                    activate       (2) 
2027:                                    }                               
2029:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
2030:        STATUS              current 
2031:        DESCRIPTION  
2032:        "Triggers the RCST to use the configuration file and update  
2033:        its parameters accordingly.  Some RCST implementation may 
2034:    require  
2035:        a reboot for the parameters to take effect (vendor specific). 
2036:           (1)  Idle 
2037:           (2)  activate" 
2038:        DEFVAL {1} 
2039:        ::={rcstControl 10} 
2041:    ctrlRcstLogonCommand  OBJECT-TYPE 
2041: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
2042:        SYNTAX           INTEGER { 
2043:                                    idle (1), 
2044:                                    logon     (2) 
2045:                                    }                               
2047:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
2048:        STATUS              current 
2049:        DESCRIPTION  
2050:          "This variable shall initiate a RCST logon  
2051:           (1) idle 
2052:           (2) initiate RCST logon" 
2053:        DEFVAL {1} 
2054:         ::={rcstControl 11}  
2056:    ctrlRcstLogoffCommand OBJECT-TYPE 
2056: error - macro `OBJECT-TYPE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-SMI'
2057:        SYNTAX           INTEGER { 
2058:                                    idle (1), 
2059:                                    logoff    (2) 
2060:                                    }                               
2062:        MAX-ACCESS          read-write 
2063:        STATUS              current 
2064:        DESCRIPTION  
2065:          "This variable shall initiate a RCST logoff  
2066:           (1) idle 
2067:           (2) initiate RCST logoff" 
2068:        DEFVAL {1} 
2069:        ::={rcstControl 12} 
2072:    =================================================================== 
2072: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2073:    -- conformance information 
2074:    ==================================================================== 
2074: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2076:    rcstGroups            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dvbrcsConformance 1} 
2077:    rcstCompliances       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dvbrcsConformance 2}   
2079:    =================================================================== 
2079: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2080:    -- conformance statements 
2081:    =================================================================== 
2081: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2083:    rcstCompliance1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE 
2083: error - macro `MODULE-COMPLIANCE' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2085:            STATUS        current 
2087:            DESCRIPTION   "The compliance statement for DVB-RCS 
2088:    terminals that are compliant with SatLabs system  
2089:                recommendations version 2." 
2091:      MODULE  -- this module 
2093:           MANDATORY-GROUPS    {rcstSystemGroup, rcstInstallGroup, 
2093: severe - unknown object identifier label `rcstInstallGroup'
2094:    rcstNetworkGroup, rtnConfigGroup, fwdConfigGroup, fwdStatusGroup, 
2095:    rcstQosGroup, rcstStateGroup, rcstControlGroup} 
2098:                   GROUP       rcstExtSystemGroup 
2100:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2101:    claims to support the SNMPALL option." 
2104:                   GROUP       rcstExtNetworkGroup 
2106:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2107:    claims to support the SNMPALL option." 
2108:                   GROUP       rcstExtInstallGroup 
2110:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2111:    claims to support the INSTALL_LOG option." 
2114:                   GROUP       rcstDnsGroup 
2116:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2117:    claims to support the DNS option." 
2120:                   GROUP       rtnExtConfigGroup 
2122:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2123:    claims to support the SNMPALL option." 
2126:                   GROUP       fwdExtStatusGroup 
2128:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2129:    claims to support the FWDLINKSTATUS option." 
2132:                   GROUP       rcstEnhancedClassifierGroup 
2134:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2135:    claims to support the ENHCLASSIFIER option." 
2138:                   GROUP       rcstMpegQosGroup 
2140:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2141:    claims to support the MPEG option." 
2144:                   GROUP       rcstAvbdcRepQosGroup 
2146:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2147:    claims to support the AVBDC_REP option." 
2150:                   GROUP       rcstGlobalQosGroup 
2152:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2153:    claims to support the RCST_PARA option." 
2154:                   GROUP       rcstGlobalAvbdcRepQosGroup 
2156:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2157:    claims to support both the RCST_PARA option and the 
2158:           AVBDC_REP option." 
2161:                   GROUP       rcstStrictQosGroup 
2163:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2164:    claims to support the CHID_STRICT option." 
2167:                   GROUP       rtnStatusGroup 
2169:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2170:    claims to support the SNMPALL option." 
2173:                   GROUP       rcstExtControlGroup 
2175:                   DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for an RCST that 
2176:    claims to support the SNMPALL option." 
2180:           OBJECT systemOduTxType 
2182:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2184:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access required if the RCST 
2185:    doesn't provide the information." 
2188:           OBJECT systemOduRxType 
2190:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2192:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access required if the RCST 
2193:    doesn't provide the information." 
2196:           OBJECT networkLanIpAddress 
2198:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2199:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2200:    support is claimed." 
2203:           OBJECT networkLanIpMask 
2205:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2207:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2208:    support is claimed." 
2211:           OBJECT pktClassDscpLow 
2211: minor error - refined object `pktClassDscpLow' not listed in a mandatory or optional group
2213:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2215:                DESCRIPTION    "Create access only required if 
2216:    ENHCLASSIFIER support is claimed." 
2219:           OBJECT pktClassDscpHigh 
2219: minor error - refined object `pktClassDscpHigh' not listed in a mandatory or optional group
2221:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2223:                DESCRIPTION    "Create access only required if 
2224:    ENHCLASSIFIER support is claimed." 
2227:           OBJECT pktClassDscpMarkValue 
2227: minor error - refined object `pktClassDscpMarkValue' not listed in a mandatory or optional group
2229:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2231:                DESCRIPTION    "Create access only required if 
2232:    ENHCLASSIFIER support is claimed." 
2236:           OBJECT phbIdentifier 
2238:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2240:                DESCRIPTION    "Create access only required if SNMPALL 
2241:    support is claimed." 
2244:           OBJECT phbName 
2245:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2247:                DESCRIPTION    "Create access only required if SNMPALL 
2248:    support is claimed." 
2251:           OBJECT phbRequestClassAssociation 
2253:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2255:                DESCRIPTION    "Create access only required if SNMPALL 
2256:    support is claimed." 
2259:           OBJECT phbMappingRowStatus 
2259: minor error - refined object `phbMappingRowStatus' not listed in a mandatory or optional group
2261:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2263:                DESCRIPTION    "Create access only required if SNMPALL 
2264:    support is claimed." 
2267:           OBJECT requestClassName 
2269:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2271:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2272:    support is claimed." 
2275:           OBJECT requestClassChanId 
2277:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2279:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2280:    support is claimed." 
2283:           OBJECT requestClassVccVpi 
2285:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2287:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2288:    support is claimed." 
2291:           OBJECT requestClassVccVci 
2292:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2294:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2295:    support is claimed." 
2298:           OBJECT requestClassPidPoolReference 
2300:                MIN-ACCESS not-accessible 
2302:                DESCRIPTION    "Read-only access required if MPEG option 
2303:    is claimed. Write access  
2304:           only required if also SNMPALL support is claimed." 
2307:           OBJECT requestClassCra 
2309:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2311:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2312:    support is claimed." 
2315:           OBJECT requestClassRbdcMax 
2317:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2319:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2320:    support is claimed." 
2323:           OBJECT requestClassRbdcTimeout 
2325:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2327:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2328:    support is claimed." 
2331:           OBJECT requestClassVbdcMax 
2333:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2335:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2336:    support is claimed." 
2337:           OBJECT requestClassVbdcTimeout 
2339:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2341:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2342:    support is claimed." 
2345:           OBJECT requestClassVbdcMaxBacklog 
2345: minor error - refined object `requestClassVbdcMaxBacklog' not listed in a mandatory or optional group
2347:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2347: severe - unknown object identifier label `requestClassVbdcMaxBacklog'
2349:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2350:    support is claimed." 
2353:           OBJECT requestClassRowStatus 
2353: minor error - refined object `requestClassRowStatus' not listed in a mandatory or optional group
2355:                MIN-ACCESS read-only 
2357:                DESCRIPTION    "Write access only required if SNMPALL 
2358:    support is claimed." 
2361:           OBJECT pidPoolIndex 
2363:                MIN-ACCESS not-accessible 
2365:                DESCRIPTION    "Read-only access required if MPEG option 
2366:    is claimed." 
2369:           OBJECT pidIndex 
2371:                MIN-ACCESS not-accessible 
2373:                DESCRIPTION    "Read-only access required if MPEG option 
2374:    is claimed." 
2377:           OBJECT pidValue 
2379:                MIN-ACCESS not-accessible 
2381:                DESCRIPTION    "Read-only access required if MPEG option 
2382:    is claimed. Write access  
2383:           only required if also SNMPALL support is claimed." 
2386:           OBJECT pidPoolRowStatus 
2388:                MIN-ACCESS not-accessible 
2390:                DESCRIPTION    "Read-only access required if MPEG option 
2391:    is claimed. Write access  
2392:           only required if also SNMPALL support is claimed." 
2398:    ::= { rcstCompliances 1 } 
2400:    =================================================================== 
2400: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2401:    -- units of conformance 
2402:    ==================================================================== 
2402: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2404:    =================================================================== 
2404: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2405:    -- object groups for rcst system 
2406:    =================================================================== 
2406: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2409:    rcstSystemGroup OBJECT-GROUP 
2409: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2411:      OBJECTS { 
2412:           systemMibVersion, 
2412: severe - unknown object identifier label `systemMibVersion'
2413:           systemLocation, 
2414:           systemOduTxType, 
2415:           systemOduRxType, 
2416:           systemSatlabsOptions 
2417:           } 
2418:      STATUS    current 
2419:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing information 
2420:    applicable for basic device management support." 
2422:    ::= { rcstGroups 1 } 
2424:    rcstExtSystemGroup OBJECT-GROUP 
2424: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2426:      OBJECTS { 
2427:           systemOduAntennaSize, 
2428:           systemOduAntennaGain, 
2429:           systemOduSspa, 
2430:           systemOduRxBand, 
2431:           systemOduRxLO, 
2432:           systemOduTxLO, 
2433:           installCwPower 
2434:           } 
2435:      STATUS    current 
2436:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing information 
2437:    applicable for extended device management support." 
2439:    ::= { rcstGroups 2 } 
2441:    =================================================================== 
2441: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2442:    -- object groups for rcst installation 
2443:    =================================================================== 
2443: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2445:    rcstInstallGroup OBJECT-GROUP 
2445: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2447:      OBJECTS { 
2448:           installAntennaAlignmentState, 
2449:           installCwFrequency, 
2450:           installCwMaxDuration, 
2451:           installCoPolReading, 
2452:           installXPolReading, 
2453:           installCoPolTarget, 
2454:           installXPolTarget, 
2455:           installStandByDuration, 
2455: severe - unknown object identifier label `installStandByDuration'
2456:           installTargetEsNo, 
2456: severe - unknown object identifier label `installTargetEsNo'
2457:           } 
2457: severe - syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting UPPERCASE_IDENTIFIER or LOWERCASE_IDENTIFIER or NUMBER
2457: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
2458:      STATUS    current 
2458: severe - syntax error, unexpected STATUS
2459:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing information 
2460:    applicable for basic installation support." 
2462:    ::= { rcstGroups 3 } 
2462: warning - warning: flushing recent incorrect declaration, see previous error(s)
2464:    rcstExtInstallGroup OBJECT-GROUP 
2464: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2466:      OBJECTS { 
2467:           networkInstallLogFileDownloadUrl, 
2468:           networkInstallLogFileUploadUrl 
2469:           } 
2470:      STATUS    current 
2471:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing extended device 
2472:    installation support." 
2474:    ::= { rcstGroups 4 } 
2476:    =================================================================== 
2476: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2477:    -- object groups for rcst networking 
2478:    =================================================================== 
2478: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2481:    rcstNetworkGroup OBJECT-GROUP 
2481: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2483:      OBJECTS { 
2484:           networkOamIpAddr, 
2485:           networkOamIpNetworkMask, 
2486:           networkLanIpAddress, 
2487:           networkLanIpMask, 
2488:           networkConfigFileDownloadUrl, 
2489:           networkConfigFileUploadUrl, 
2490:           networkLogFileUploadUrl 
2491:           } 
2492:      STATUS    current 
2493:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing basic networking 
2494:    management support." 
2496:    ::= { rcstGroups 5 } 
2498:    rcstExtNetworkGroup OBJECT-GROUP 
2498: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2500:      OBJECTS { 
2501:           networkOamIpAddrAssign, 
2502:           networkAirInterfaceDefaultGW, 
2502: severe - unknown object identifier label `networkAirInterfaceDefaultGW'
2503:           networkNccMgtIpAddress 
2504:           } 
2505:      STATUS    current 
2506:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing extended 
2507:    networking management support." 
2509:    ::= { rcstGroups 6 } 
2512:    rcstDnsGroup OBJECT-GROUP 
2512: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2514:      OBJECTS { 
2515:           networkDnsServerIpAddress 
2516:           } 
2517:      STATUS    current 
2518:      DESCRIPTION    "IP address of the DNS server to be used to resolve 
2519:    URL's as needed." 
2521:     ::= { rcstGroups 7 } 
2523:    =================================================================== 
2523: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2524:    -- object groups for return link 
2525:    =================================================================== 
2525: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2528:     rtnConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP 
2528: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2530:      OBJECTS { 
2531:           rtnconfDefIfLevel 
2532:           } 
2532: severe - unknown object identifier label `rtnconfDefIfLevel'
2533:      STATUS    current 
2534:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing basic return 
2535:    link configuration support." 
2537:     ::= { rcstGroups 8 } 
2540:     rtnExtConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP 
2540: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2542:      OBJECTS { 
2543:           rtnconfMaxEirp 
2544:           } 
2544: severe - unknown object identifier label `rtnconfMaxEirp'
2545:      STATUS    current 
2546:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing extended return 
2547:    link configuration support." 
2549:     ::= { rcstGroups 9 } 
2552:     rtnStatusGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2552: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2554:      OBJECTS { 
2555:           rcstRtnLinkStatus, 
2556:           rtnstatusEbN0, 
2557:           rtnstatusSFduration, 
2558:           rtnstatusPayloadUnit 
2559:           } 
2560:      STATUS    current 
2561:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects allowing access to RTN 
2562:    link status." 
2564:     ::= { rcstGroups 10 } 
2566:    =================================================================== 
2566: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2567:    -- object groups for forward link 
2568:    =================================================================== 
2568: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2570:     fwdConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP 
2570: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2571:      OBJECTS { 
2572:           fwdStartIndex,   
2573:           fwdStartPopId,   
2574:           fwdStartFrequency, 
2575:           fwdStartPolar, 
2576:           fwdStartFormat, 
2577:           fwdStartModulation, 
2577: severe - unknown object identifier label `fwdStartModulation'
2578:           fwdStartRolloff, 
2579:           fwdStartSymbolRate, 
2580:           fwdStartInnerFec, 
2581:           fwdStartRowStatus 
2582:           } 
2583:      STATUS    current 
2584:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing basic start 
2585:    forward link configuration support." 
2587:     ::= { rcstGroups 11 } 
2590:     fwdStatusGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2590: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2592:      OBJECTS { 
2593:           fwdStatusIfIndex, 
2593: severe - unknown object identifier label `fwdStatusIfIndex'
2594:           fwdStatusNetId, 
2595:           fwdStatusCnr, 
2596:           fwdStatusRowStatus 
2597:           } 
2598:      STATUS    current 
2599:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing basic forward 
2600:    link status." 
2602:     ::= { rcstGroups 12 } 
2605:     fwdExtStatusGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2605: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2607:      OBJECTS { 
2608:           fwdStatusFormat, 
2609:           fwdStatusFrequency, 
2610:           fwdStatusPolar, 
2611:           fwdStatusInnerFec, 
2612:           fwdStatusSymbolRate, 
2613:           fwdStatusRollOff, 
2613: severe - unknown object identifier label `fwdStatusRollOff'
2614:           fwdStatusModulation, 
2615:           fwdStatusFecFrame, 
2616:           fwdStatusPilot, 
2617:           fwdStatusBer, 
2618:           fwdStatusRxPower, 
2619:           rcstFwdLinkStatus 
2620:           } 
2621:      STATUS    current 
2622:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing extended forward 
2623:    link status." 
2625:     ::= { rcstGroups 13 } 
2627:    ==================================================================== 
2627: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2628:    --    object groups for QOS 
2629:    ==================================================================== 
2629: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2631:     rcstQosGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2631: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2633:      OBJECTS { 
2634:           pktClassIndex, 
2635:           pktClassPhbAssociation, 
2636:           phbIdentifier, 
2637:           phbName, 
2638:           phbRequestClassAssociation, 
2639:           requestClassIndex, 
2640:           requestClassName, 
2641:           requestClassChanId, 
2642:           requestClassVccVpi, 
2643:           requestClassVccVci, 
2644:           requestClassCra, 
2645:           requestClassRbdcMax, 
2646:           requestClassRbdcTimeout, 
2647:           requestClassVbdcMax, 
2648:           requestClassVbdcTimeout, 
2649:           requestClassVBDCMaxBacklog 
2650:           } 
2650: severe - unknown object identifier label `requestClassVBDCMaxBacklog'
2651:      STATUS    current 
2652:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing basic access to 
2653:    QOS configuration data." 
2655:     ::= { rcstGroups 14 } 
2658:     rcstEnhancedClassifierGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2658: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2660:      OBJECTS { 
2661:           pktClassIpProtocol, 
2661: severe - unknown object identifier label `pktClassIpProtocol'
2662:           pktClassIpScrAddr, 
2662: severe - unknown object identifier label `pktClassIpScrAddr'
2663:           pktClassIpScrAddrMask, 
2663: severe - unknown object identifier label `pktClassIpScrAddrMask'
2664:           pktClassIpDstAddr, 
2664: severe - unknown object identifier label `pktClassIpDstAddr'
2665:           pktClassIpDstAddrMask, 
2665: severe - unknown object identifier label `pktClassIpDstAddrMask'
2666:           pktClassSrcPortLow, 
2667:           pktClassSrcPortHigh, 
2668:           pktClassDstPortLow, 
2669:           pktClassDstPortHigh 
2670:           } 
2671:      STATUS    current 
2672:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing support for 
2673:    management of the enhanced classifier." 
2675:     ::= { rcstGroups 15 } 
2678:     rcstMpegQosGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2678: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2680:      OBJECTS { 
2681:           requestClassPidPoolReference, 
2682:           pidPoolIndex, 
2683:           pidIndex, 
2684:                    pidValue, 
2685:           pidPoolRowStatus 
2686:           } 
2687:      STATUS    current 
2688:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing access to MPEG 
2689:    related link QOS configuration data." 
2691:     ::= { rcstGroups 16 } 
2694:     rcstAvbdcRepQosGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2694: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2696:      OBJECTS { 
2697:           requestClassAvbdcRepTime 
2698:           } 
2699:      STATUS    current 
2700:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing access to AVDBC 
2701:    repeat related QOS configuration data." 
2703:     ::= { rcstGroups 17 } 
2706:     rcstGlobalQosGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2706: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2708:      OBJECTS { 
2709:           qosGlobalRbdcMax, 
2710:           qosGlobalVBDCMax, 
2710: severe - unknown object identifier label `qosGlobalVBDCMax'
2711:           qosGlobalVBDCMaxBacklog 
2712:           } 
2712: severe - unknown object identifier label `qosGlobalVBDCMaxBacklog'
2713:      STATUS    current 
2714:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing access to global 
2715:    RCST QOS configuration data." 
2717:     ::= { rcstGroups 18 } 
2720:     rcstGlobalAvbdcRepQosGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2720: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2722:      OBJECTS { 
2723:           qosGlobalAvbdcRepTime 
2724:           } 
2725:      STATUS    current 
2726:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects providing access to global 
2727:    AVDBC repeat related QOS configuration data." 
2729:     ::= { rcstGroups 19 } 
2731:     rcstStrictQosGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2731: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2733:      OBJECTS { 
2734:           qosChannelIdStrictDispatching 
2735:           } 
2736:      STATUS    current 
2737:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects allowing management of 
2738:    strict channel ID dispatching." 
2740:     ::= { rcstGroups 20 } 
2742:     =================================================================== 
2742: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2743:     -- object groups for rcst state 
2744:     =================================================================== 
2744: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2746:     rcstStateGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2746: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2748:      OBJECTS { 
2749:           rcstMode, 
2750:           rcstFaultStatus, 
2751:           rcstLogUpdated, 
2752:           rcstSwDownloadStatus, 
2752: severe - unknown object identifier label `rcstSwDownloadStatus'
2753:           rcstCurrentSoftwareVersion, 
2754:           rcstAlternateSoftwareVersion, 
2755:           rcstActivatedConfigFileVersion, 
2756:           rcstDownloadedConfigFileVersion 
2757:           } 
2759:      STATUS    current 
2760:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects allowing access to RCST 
2761:    state." 
2763:     ::= { rcstGroups 21 } 
2765:    =================================================================== 
2765: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2766:    -- object groups for rcst control 
2767:    =================================================================== 
2767: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2769:    rcstControlGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2769: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2771:      OBJECTS { 
2772:           ctrlRebootCommand, 
2773:           ctrlUserTrafficDisable, 
2773: severe - unknown object identifier label `ctrlUserTrafficDisable'
2774:           ctrlCWEnable, 
2774: severe - unknown object identifier label `ctrlCWEnable'
2775:           ctrlDownloadFileCommand, 
2776:           ctrlUploadFileCommand, 
2777:           ctrlActivateConfigFileCommand 
2778:           } 
2779:      STATUS    current 
2780:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects allowing basic RCST 
2781:    control." 
2783:     ::= { rcstGroups 22 } 
2786:     rcstExtControlGroup  OBJECT-GROUP 
2786: error - macro `OBJECT-GROUP' has not been imported from module `SNMPv2-CONF'
2788:      OBJECTS { 
2789:           ctrlRcstTxDisable, 
2789: severe - unknown object identifier label `ctrlRcstTxDisable'
2790:           ctrlOduTxReferenceEnable, 
2790: severe - unknown object identifier label `ctrlOduTxReferenceEnable'
2791:           ctrlOduTxDCEnable, 
2791: severe - unknown object identifier label `ctrlOduTxDCEnable'
2792:           ctrlOduRxDCEnable, 
2792: severe - unknown object identifier label `ctrlOduRxDCEnable'
2793:           ctrlRcstLogonCommand, 
2794:           ctrlRcstLogoffCommand 
2795:           } 
2796:      STATUS    current 
2797:      DESCRIPTION    "A collection of objects allowing extended RCST 
2798:    control." 
2800:     ::= { rcstGroups 23 } 
2802:     END= 
2802: severe - lexically unexpected character, skipping to end of line
2804: -- NOTE: this END was not present in draft-combes-ipdvb-mib-rcs-01.txt,
2805: -- but this does appear to be the end of the MIB.
2806: -- (the next line is '4. Security Considerations ')
2808: END
2808: severe - syntax error, unexpected END, expecting $end
2810: -- 
2811: --     
2812: --    Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007).  
2813: --     
2814: --    This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions  
2815: --    contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors  
2816: --    retain all their rights. 
2817: --    <<< RFC Ed Note: please remove the text below, prior to publications 
2818: --    >>> 
2819: -- 
2820: --     
2821: -- 
2822: --    Change Log. 
2823: -- 
2824: --    Rev -00 
2825: -- 
2826: --    - First draft, for comment by the community. 
2827: -- 
2828: --    Rev -01  
2829: -- 
2830: --    - Second draft, for comment by the community.  
2831: -- 
2832: --    The MIB module is renamed DVBRCS-MIB to reflect that it covers more 
2833: --    than solely interface issues. 
2834: -- 
2835: --    The MIB has been updated with 
2836: -- 
2837: --          o a conformance section that captures the options 
2838: -- 
2839: --          o structural changes and corrections to achieve this 
2840: -- 
2841: --          o SYNTAX refinements where applicable 
2842: -- 
2843: --          o UNITS declarations where applicable 
2844: -- 
2845: --    Document reformatted to conform to I-D format conventions. 
2846: -- 
2847: --    <<<End of RFC Ed Note >> 